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Donald and Melania had been living together for a while now and they were enjoying their life together.

They found that they were very compatible with each other. They got along well. Everything was just perfect living together.

He often wondered why he didn't have her move in sooner.

His favorite part of the day was going home. He knew he would be greeted by the big, gorgeous smile and lots of kisses. And that's what he liked.

He took the elevator up to now their apartment and walked inside. "Baby, I'm home! I brought you chocolate!"

She smiled to herself thinking about how lucky she is. "I'm in the kitchen."

He walked over and immediately grabbed her from behind. "I love you." He whispered as he kissed all over the side of her neck and shoulder.

She quickly turned around in his arms. "I love you too." She closes the gap between them and kisses his lips passionately.

"I missed you today." He mutters against her lips.

"I missed you more, baby."

They kiss again and before they know it, she's sitting on the counter top with her legs wrapped around his waist and they are making out.

She is running her fingers through his hair as he kisses her and she notices his hair is getting terribly long, but she doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to ruin the kiss.

He finally pulls away smiling and she still has her fingers in his hair.

"Baby, your hair is getting extremely long." She informs him.

"I know. My barber is out of town for the next week." He says as he kisses her neck.

"Let me cut it! It'll be a good bonding experience."

"I don't know about that. How often do you cut hair?" He asks seriously.

"Ehhhh. I've done it a few times. Not many." She kisses his cheek.

"I guess. If you want to."

"Yessssss!" She says excitedly then runs down the hall towards the bathroom to get the stuff she needs.

"What did I just get myself into?" He asks himself.

She comes back with scissors, a towel, and his comb.

She pulls a chair into the kitchen so it's easier to clean the hair up off the tile.

He sits down and she wraps a towel around his shoulders. "Let's see if I can butcher your hair!" She kinda laughs wickedly.

"You better not! You'll be sleeping on the couch tonight." He exasperates.

"No, I would not. You can't stand one night without me in the bed next to you." She knows she's right. Even if he doesn't want to admit it.

"Yeah, you're right." He laughs.

She starts trimming the hair on the back of his neck and he flinches. "Stop moving! You're worse than a little kid!" She laughs and keeps cutting.

She does the back of his hair then moves around to do the front. Which he likes. He can get a good look at her body.

"You look hot!" He coos up at her.

She laughs. "Are you distracted?"

"By your body, yes." He admits.

"I'm fully dressed, dummy!" She continues to laugh.

"I know, but I can see through those clothes." He teasingly licks his lips.

"You're a flirt."

She finally gets done cutting his hair and she doesn't think it looks bad. "Handsome!"

"Are you done?" He asks.

"Yep! Go look." She takes the towel off his shoulders then sweeps the floor.

He looks in the bathroom mirror surprisingly shocked. "Baby! It looks good!"

"Thanks, honey." She smiles to herself knowing she did a good job.

He walks in and grabs her by the waist, giving her a big thank you kiss. "I owe you."

"Yeah and I want to redeem it." She puts her finger in his belt and drags him to the bedroom.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now