Go Away!

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Donald had a way of getting to Melania. Even when she was mad. It drove her crazy.

Melania had had a bad day, and like every other woman who has a bad day, she took it out on her husband.

He came home from work and she instantly jumped him.

"You are late! What have you been doing?!" She questioned accusingly.

"Ummmm. I got stuck in a meeting." He quipped almost sarcastically.

"I don't believe you!" She gripped.

"Well, good for you because I'm telling the truth." He was starting to get really upset that she would accuse him of doing something he wasn't.

"You're being a jerk!" She nagged.

He walked into the kitchen, rolling his eyes.

She followed close behind. "Why aren't you answering my questions?!"

"You're grouchy today!" He was getting so annoyed.

"You're so rude!" She continued to nag.

He knew how to get out of the mess he was in. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck in that way that drove her crazy. "You're so sexy when you're mad."

She instantly bit her lip, so annoyed that he can get to her like that, but she's so in love with him, that it is a struggle to fight him.

He slowly tips her chin back and starts kissing all over her neck. "Go on and tell me how horrible of a father and husband I am." He says as he continues to lick and kiss all over her neck.

"Mmmmmm. I'm still mad at you!"

He slowly backs away from her, knowing he got out of that mess by her moan. "You're still a grouch." He smacks her butt then opens the refrigerator.

"You always know how to get out of a mess and it really annoys me! She hissed.

"Obviously it didn't work that time." He walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kisses her shoulder. He leans into and whispers sexily, "You're so beautiful. So sexy. Even sexier when you're mad. Mmmmm, baby. You're looking like a snack today!" He smiled mischievously to himself.

"I'm so angry at you! You are not getting out of it by doing this to me!" She chews on her lip even harder, knowing how sexy he is. "Go away before I spank your butt!"

"Oh, I know I'll get out of it. I know you too well. You're about to throw in the towel right now." He gently kissed the side of her neck. "Go ahead. Spank me. I'll even bend over for you." He gently kissed behind her ear, knowing that drove her crazy.

She gives up trying to resist him. It was a lost cause. She leaned her head back and moaned. "I give in! Just take me to bed! Although I'm still not happy with you."

He backed away, knowing he really got out of it that time. "HA! It worked!" He fist pumped for his victory as he walked into the living room and turned Fox News on.

She followed close behind and sat down beside him. "Don't start something you can't finish."

He scrolled through his twitter. "Oh, I could finish that, but I already did. I won the argument."

She started pulling on his belt. "You are not doing this to me." She successfully pulled his belt off.

"You're so hard to resisted." He groaned as he laid her back on the couch and buried his face in neck.

"Dear GOD! You make me want to do some crazy things." She purred as she leaves a hickey on her neck.

He couldn't wait any longer. He picked her up and carried her to their room, shedding both of their clothes as he walked down the hallway.

"You're all mine, Mrs. Trump!" He exclaimed as he locked the door.

"Do whatever you want to me, Mr. Sexy!"

"Oh, trust me. I'll make you happy." He winks as he hovers over her.

"Show me how much you love me, baby." She whispers in her sweet, but naughty voice.

"Yes, ma'am." He says as he kisses her.

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