How Embarrassing

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Time alone in the Trump House didn't happen very often.

There were constantly people in and out of the house, including Barron's friends.

Donald liked it... Melania had just gotten used to it.

Melania finds herself in a hot bath tub, realizing she hadn't been alone with her husband, besides to sleep for a few hours, in almost 2 weeks.

She lays her head back and closes her eyes, thinking about him.

And the longer she thinks, the stronger the desire to have him becomes.

Barron was away for the weekend with Tiffany and Michael. Donald was already home for the evening and she was certain they were home alone.

After dinner, she went to get in the bath and he had said he was going to work on paper work in the office. So she was sure that's where she could find him.

She slowly gets out of the tub, drying off, and blow drying her hair.

She slowly makes her way into their bedroom, opening her lingerie drawer.

What's the point? It's just going to end up on the floor in a few minutes. She thinks to herself.

She grabs her robe, putting it on, but only tying it loosely, showing off the sexiest tease of her body.

She makes her way down the hall and doesn't even stop and knock on the office door, she just opens it, slowly leaning against the doorframe.

To her horror, she looks up and is greeted by 2 sets of very wide eyes, one of which belongs to her husband, the other his male lawyer.

She is immediately horrified and wanting to crawl in a hole, quickly backing out of the room. "I'm sorry! I didn't know!! I'm so sorry!" She runs down the hall, slamming their door.

Donald is extremely amused by the exchange and his lawyer is just as embarrassed as Melania.

The blushing lawyer clears his thought. "I think....."

"It's time for you to go." Donald finishes his sentence, quickly standing up and heading for the door.

"I'll call you on Monday?" The lawyer asks.

"I don't care!! Just go!! I have more important things to take care of." He winks and jogs down the hall, quickly opening their door.

She's got herself locked in the bathroom, completely mortified.

He gently knocks on the door. "Baby, let me in."

"Go away." She protests.

"Open the door, babe, or I'll pick the lock." He insists.

The door slowly opens and she hides behind it. "Please fire him!" She immediately blurts out.

He laughs and grabs her arm, pulling her towards him. "Absolutely not. He's my best defender!"

"He just saw me naked in your office!!!" She reminds him, causing him to laugh.

He eases his head into the crook of her neck, grinning and still giggling. "You weren't naked."

"I might as well been!! And clearly... he knows I had a motive!!"

He can feel her face and neck blush red again. "You should have seen the look on your face." He giggles as he gently bites down on her weak spot of her neck.

She swallows hard, trying not to moan. "I'm sorry... it's.... Just been a while... and I thought we were alone."

"Well, we are now." He grins and picks her up, carrying her to their bed.

"Baby! I really didn't know he was here... I'm so sorry." She rolls her eyes, trying not to get too upset.

He smirks before leaning into her lips, kissing her slowly, then whispering. "I hope he's jealous that I'm married to such a hottie and he's not."

"It's not funny, Donald! I've been the First Lady of the United States!! And you're running again!!!!"

"Baby! The whole world has seen more of your naked body than what he saw in my office! It's fine! Now shut up about it!" He gently pushes the robe off her shoulders, leaving her naked under him.

"My God!" He mutters, taking in his gorgeous wife.

"You act like you've never seen me like this before." She bites her lip, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"It's a sight I'll never get over." He begins kissing and gently biting all over her neck, causing her to moan so softly.

She whispers, her voice laced with pure lust. "I want you."

"Those are 3 of my favorite words." He kisses down her chest, paying special attention to her breasts.

Her soft moans are quickly turning to moans of passion with much need, only further encouraging him.

"Please don't make me finish yet." She warns.

"Oh, trust me, baby. That won't be happening." He teases.

She collapses on top of him, the mix of their juices slowly running out of her.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm... that was hot." He grins, gently squeezing her butt.

She nuzzles her head into his neck as he holds her. "Be careful what you do... we're too old to go 2 rounds back to back."

"Says who?!" He protests.

"Says my body! My legs are still shaking!"

He flips them so he's hovering over her again. "I bet I can have you screaming my name again in less than 5 minutes."

"You're too confident." She teases. "Cuddle me!"

"Oh, no, Mrs. Trump! Challenge accepted." He grins as he slowly kisses down her belly.

She's biting her lip, trying not to moan. "Babe....."

"Whatcha want, honey?" He teases.

"I don't think I can do this again." She admits, rather exhausted.

"We'll see." He grins, kissing all around her sensitive womanhood, then down her leg, and up the next one. He continues kissing until he meets her lips again.

By the time his lips meet hers, his hand has found its resting place between her legs and she's already groaning.

"Donald......" She lets out, closing her eyes.

He whispers in her ear. "I told you so."

"You're so cocky!" She lets out, through a desperate moan.

"Do I hear a complain from a woman who is getting ready to cum again?!" He asks, gently picking up the pace.

She shakes her head no, as her back arches and her head goes back, opening her mouth to moan, but not a single sound comes out.

"Oh, my god! Baby! You are so hot!!" He continues, pleasuring her with his hand, while slowing running his other hand over her exposed chest.

She uses her hand and reaches down, determined to finish him off again, knowing he's well on his way to exploding again.

After a much louder and messier finish this time, she cuddles up in his side, in pure bliss.

He wraps his arm around her, holding her close, lazily kissing her. "I'm so glad you showed up in my office almost naked."

She blushes again and closes her eyes. "Two weeks is too long, honey."

"It is.... But when it's that long... the catch up is so hot." He winks.

"You're always hot." She grins and closes her eyes, as he kisses her.

He slowly pulls away from her lips, causing her to pout. "Baby?"

"Yes?" She whispers.

"I love you." He gently tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

She smiles, completely happy. "I love you even more, handsome." And she leans back into his lips, not intending to leave any time soon. 

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