Date Night

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Melania lays in bed in the Residence on a nice Sunday afternoon feeling alone after Donald had left her for the day to go golfing with some congressmen.
Feeling alone, starts talking to herself. "I already miss him! What did I do without him before?! I miss the cuddles and the kisses!"
Wanting to make him feel special and appreciated after his day away, she plans a romantic dinner for the two of them.
She plans his favorite meal and a romantic setting down in the Grand Hallway.
He gets home all sweaty and ready to see her. "Baby, I'm home!"
"I'm in our room," she replies laying out a tight, red dress for dinner.
"Why do I like finding you here?" he winks and kisses her gently. "I've missed you today, gorgeous!"
"I've missed you too. Go get a shower and put a suit on. We have a dinner to attend in an hour."
He looks surprised. "Wait? A dinner? I didn't have a dinner scheduled. You must be thinking about tomorrow."
"Just trust me and go shower. I know what I'm talking about. I always do!" She winks and walks out.
Totally confused, he decides to go ahead and get showered. While he showers, she has her hair put up and her make up done.
"Baby, I'm ready....." he's cut off as she walks around the corner. "Honey! You look stunning! Baby! You're so beautiful! I would so kiss you,
but I'm not going to smear your lipstick."
She walks over and puts her hands around the back of his neck and kisses him slowly. "Lipstick can be replaced, baby. Kiss me whenever you want."
He holds her around the waist and kisses her back. "I love you so much, baby girl."
"I love you too. And boy do you look hot with lipstick on your lips." She laughs as she wipes it off. "Come on. Let's go!"
They hold hands walking down the Grand Staircase. "Where we going, beautiful girl?"
"Just right here." She points as they round the corner and there's a romantic table set. "Live romantic music, candles, rose petals, dimmed lights, and your favorite dinner and dessert. Oh, and two chairs. Just for the President and First Lady." She smiles and kisses his cheek.
"Baby, this is absolutely beautiful and amazing! I don't deserve this!"
"You deserve the world, honey. Now aren't you glad you took a shower?" She asks.
"Awwww. Honey. I owe you big time." He helps her sit down in her chair.
"Nope. Just a couple kisses later. No, baby, really. You don't owe me anything. I want you to know that I love you and appreciate you. You are an amazing President, an outstanding husband, and the best father I could ever want for my son. Relax and take it easy tonight, Mr. President."
"Baby, you're so sweet. Thank you so much," kisses her gently. "And I can definitely take care of the kisses later." He winks as he rubs her hand with his thumb.

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