An Interesting Plane Ride

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Donald enjoys the campaign trail. He enjoys meeting new people and watching the movement he's creating.

But. He enjoys the campaign trail even more when Melania tags along. Which is not very often because she takes care of Barron. And they both agree that is what she should be doing.

Even though she does not campaign very often, she makes an asserted effort to attend every debate he's in.

She wants him to know that he has her support 100%. Even if she isn't always there.

So. They are debating together. Not really. He's debating and she's cheering him on.

He can see her on the front row smiling and it just gives him a little more courage to fight back.

She's sitting on the front row and tonight, she does not know what her deal is. She is finding his power on the debate stage to be a turn on. She never gets turned on when he's angry like this. What is her deal?!

She doesn't know, but she's ready to go jump on that plane and fulfill some wild fantasy.

He wants to go to dinner before they get on the plane. So the whole family goes to dinner.

Her hands never leave his body the whole time they are eating. She's either holding his hand or rubbing his leg or resting her hand on his thigh. She's all over him and he notices it.

"What is her deal?!" Is the first thing that roles through his mind. She never acts like this.

In the limo back to the airport it only got worse. She was licking and kissing his neck.

"Baby, what are you doing?" He asks.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" She rubs her hand really high up on his thigh as she kisses his neck. "You look hot tonight." She tugs on his tie.

"Later, baby!" He interrupts.

"Okay." She sits back in her seat slightly irritated and a whole lot of disappointed.

They board the plane and he tells everyone he's going back to his room on the plane because he's tired. He expected her to tag along. While everyone else sits in the family cabin of their plane.

She shuts and locks the door.

"I'm going to take a shower, baby." He tells her as he takes his toe off.

"Okay. Take your time." She's still disappointed that he won't even really look at her.

While he's in the shower, she takes her dress and heels off and lays across the bed in her lacy bra and panties.

He comes out and sees her. "My God! You are horny tonight."

"Maybe a little bit."

He lays on the bed and she instantly starts licking and kissing on him. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, baby. But I'm really tired."

"Oh. I'm sorry. It's just been a long time. Almost a month." She pulls the blanket up to her neck and rolls away from her.

He lays there feeling beyond guilty. Because anytime he wanted her, she was always willing. It didn't matter how tired she was. How much sleep she didn't get. What happened that day with Barron. If he came home wanting her, she never once complained.

He knew he owed her one. And she was right. It had been a long time. So he rolled over and got as close to her as he could.

"I'm sorry, baby. I was being a jerk." He kisses all over her back.

"It's fine. We can try again later. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do." She admits honestly.

"No, baby, I want to do this. I can't lay here looking at your hot body for another second." He turns her over and kisses her neck. "I want you." He whispers against her neck.

"I can't help it. You being mad tonight turned me on big time, baby." She tells him as she slides his t-shirt over his head.

He waists little time taking her bra and panties off. "God, baby. I was an idiot for telling you no earlier. What was I thinking?!"

She runs her hand on his bare back, lightly digging her nails in. "Hottie."

"Sorry, baby, but you are the hottie." He rolls over so he's on top.

"Gosh you are a sexy beast!"

He licks and kisses her neck as she moans.

After much teasing and arousing, they finally give in and fulfill everything they were longing for.

He collapses beside her. "My gosh. That was incredible, honey!"

"I know. Thank you." She happily lays next to him looking at him in awe.

"You are good."

"You like the mile high club, Mr. Trump?"

"If Mrs. Trump is tagging along, I love the mile high club, baby." He winks.

"I love you." She kisses his cheek and curls up on his side.

"I love you too, baby." He kisses her head.

"How long until we touch down in New York?" She asks sleepily.

"About an hour and a half."

"Perfect. I need time to recover."

And as always, she falls asleep on him.

He happily strokes her hair away from her face. "I love you so much." He whispers as he kisses her forehead.

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