I Am So Glad I Shut The Blinds

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Donald slid his hand across the bed as he woke up, resting his hand on Melania's empty side of the bed.

That's the last night of doing that for a while. He reminded himself.

Melania and Barron had been in Florida, wrapping up his Junior Year of school. Donald had business to take care of in New York, leaving the family separated for a week.

Although they talked on the phone numerous times a day, he was still missing them deeply.

He got up and got ready for his day, except today, he had a pep in his step, counting down the hours until their plane landed.

As the day went on, he couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face, anticipating seeing his family, especially his gorgeous wife.

Dan, a long time aid of Donald's, noticed as well. "Why you so happy today, boss?" He asked, as they read over some legal documents in his office.

"Melania's coming home today!" He grinned as he read over the paperwork.

"Ahhhhh... makes sense." Dan laughed.

"I intend to be out of this office on time. Not a minute late. It's been a long week. And I want to be home." Donald expressed matter of factly.

"You don't have any motives this evening, do you?" He smirked at his boss.

"Shut up." Donald rolled his eyes, as his phone chimed, alerting of a text, on the desk.

MKT- I cannot wait to see you!

DJT- How much longer??

MKT- 2.5 hours. And I can NOT wait to kiss you!!

DJT- That is way too long when I want to kiss you as badly as I do!

The rest of the day drug by. And Donald was getting incredibly antsy awaiting their arrival.

He left the office right on time, knowing he would beat them home, but wanting to make sure it was tidy.

He brought flowers home, made sure details to a perfect family dinner were in order and waited patiently.

Finally, the door slowly opened and their extremely tall son walked in first.

"Hey, Dad!" Barron calls as he walks in.

"God! I think you've gotten taller since you've been gone!" Donald expresses, smiling proudly at his boy.

"I'm glad we're home. Mom needs you. She's been an emotional wreck and it's on my nerves." Barron rolls his eyes and drags his suitcase down the hall, as his mother walks in the door.

Donald whistles and looks her up and down as she comes in, wearing a light pink sundress, sandals, a floppy hat, and sunglasses.

"Hello, handsome." She grins, pulling her sunglasses off her face as she walks towards him.

He smiles so big as he slowly wraps his arms around her waist. "Is the rest of your body this tan?" He asks, before kissing her.

She wraps her arms around the back of his neck. "That's for me to know... and you to find out.... Later." She grins and kisses him back.

"Mmmmmmm I missed you." He leans back into her lips.

She kisses him back, gently biting down on his bottom lip, whispering. "You can't do that... I haven't seen you in a week and I already want you."

He looks at his watch behind her head. "Well... we have dinner plans... but I think we have time for a quickie." He winks and slides his hands down her back, squeezing her butt.

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