I'm So Proud!

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I recently attended a Trump rally. This fanfic was inspired by that. Enjoy!

Donald woke up early in the morning cuddled up next to Melania. He opened his eyes and she was staring at him.

She smiles really big. "Good morning, handsome."

"Morning, baby." He leans over and lazily kisses her lips then buries his face in her neck.

"Someone's still sleepy." She giggles.

"No, I don't want to get out of bed. There's a difference."

"Why not, baby?"

"Because I would much rather be snuggled between the sheets with you than out dealing with people."

She smiles knowing he loves her. "Awwwww, honey!"

They share a tender kiss.

She cuddles up as close to him and kisses his chest. "What's your plans today?"

"I can tell you what I want to do." He winks and runs his fingers through her hair.

"You're naughty!"

"I'm only joking, honey. I am traveling today. I have a rally tonight."

They spend majority of their morning cuddling and kissing.

She looks at the clock. "What time are you leaving?"

"In an hour. I need to get up and shower." He rolls his eyes and whines.

"Can I join you in the shower?" She asks sheepishly.

"Oh! And I'm the naughty one?!" He playfully smacks her butt. "Of course you can."

He picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. They kiss until they reach the bathroom.

"You are being all kinds of sexy today." She kisses his neck knowing he likes that.

"You're making me crazy, babe." He wastes no time pulling her pajamas off.

"God you're so turned on in the mornings, Mr. President." She winks and helps him out of his pajamas. Kissing all over his neck and jawline.

"Forget the shower." He lifts her up and sits her on the sink then kisses down her stomach and up her thighs.

"Whatcha doing, baby?" She asks running her fingers through his hair.

"Getting ready to make you the happiest woman alive." He gives her a wicked smile then licks his lips.

After much moaning, groaning, and pleasure screams, they jump in the shower together all sweaty and happy.

"I love you." He tells her as he washes her sweaty body.

"I love you more, handsome man." She smiles really big, genuinely in love with her man.

They wash each other and help each other dry off. Then it's off to start getting ready for the day. The day they are dreading, as they have to spend it apart.

He comes out of his closet fixing his collar. "Baby?"

"I'm in my closet trying to find something to wear."

He walks in. "How about your birthday suit? I'm totally kidding. I wouldn't be home to enjoy it. And that's just not fair." He laughs and wraps his arms around her, hugging her from the back.

She relaxes in his embrace.

"I have some bad news, Mrs. Trump."

"What's wrong, honey?" She asks with concern in voice.

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