A Baby?!

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Barron was 3 years old and Melania absolutely loved being a mother. He was her biggest pride and joy.

Barron was talking a lot. Donald and Melania discovered he had an amazing personality. He was strong and determined like his father, but had a sweet and caring heart like his mother. Their boy. Their sun shine.

Melania had baby fever again. She hadn't had baby fever since the early months of their marriage. Not too much longer after baby fever hit, Barron was conceived.

Things were a little different this time though. When she had baby fever the first time, she told him almost right away. They both quickly agreed that having a baby was right for them at the time.

This time, she really struggled telling him. Another baby had never even been mentioned. He was perfectly content with Barron. He always wanted 5 kids, like his parents, once he had all 5, he was happy. He always just assumed she was happy with Barron only, so they never discussed another baby.

So she carried this desire for another baby around for months. She continued taking her birth control and never said a word to him.

Melania always hoped the baby fever would leave, but it never did. Donald's older children were having babies, so every time they were around, her heart always longed for another one. But life went on and she tried to ignore it.

Barron tottled into the kitchen to where his Mom was fixing breakfast on a sunny Saturday morning. He tugged on her robe. "Mommy, can we go to the park today since daddy is away today?" The toddler asked.

Melania's stomach instantly got knots in it. "Yeah, I guess, buddy." Melania HATED the park. Her desire to have another baby was almost becoming unbearable. And every time they went to the park, she had to watch mothers with their little ones.

"YAYYYYYYYYYY!" The toddler jumped up and down. "Thank you, mommy." He beamed up at her with his bright blue eyes and his crazy blonde curls.

After breakfast, Melania got him dressed. "You better be glad your mother loves you." She muttered as she ties his tennis shoes.

"Why, mommy?" he asked.

"Nothing. Forget I ever said that. Mommy is feeling sorry for herself."

They got to the park and she enjoyed being with her son. She tried her hardest to ignore all the little babies.

Later that night, Donald was home and they did their nightly routine. They ate dinner together. As she was cleaning up the mess, he gave Barron a bath. After his bath, they all laid across their bed and read him a story until fell asleep, then Donald carried him to his bed,

Donald and Melania were cuddled up and he was almost asleep when he heard her. "Baby, are you awake?" She whispers.

"I am now. What's wrong, babe?" He asks, gently rubbing her back.

"Can we talk?" She nervously shifted on the bed.

"You know anytime." He responds, kissing her head.

"Have you ever thought about having another baby?" She nervously asks.

"Another baby?! No. I've never once had that thought. I am perfectly content with Barron, aren't you?"

Her heart instantly shatters. Her worst fear was becoming a reality. "Yeah, I guess so." She mumbles, trying to hide her disappointment.

"I don't want anymore. I'm going to bed. I'm tired." He kisses her cheek and rolls over to his own side and goes to asleep.

She did just the opposite. She rolled over and cried into her pillow. She just wanted another baby. That was her hearts only desire. And her heart hurt knowing her husband didn't share the same feeling.

She tried to live her life normally from then on, but it was a major struggle. She often cried herself to sleep at night, their intimacy was suffering, her relationship with Barron wasn't the same and quite honestly Donald was tired of it.

He walks into their room and she was laying on their bed just staring off. "We need to talk!"

"Ummmm. Okay?" She asks, confused.

"What is your problem?!" He asks, grouchily.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"You're so grouchy all the time. Sex has been terrible. Barron is suffering! And I'm tired of it!" He exaggerates.

"I'm so sorry." She slips back into her pillows and cries.

He instantly feels guilty for being so harsh with her. "Baby, please tell me what's wrong." He sits beside her and wraps his arms around her.

She whispers. "I just want to have a baby."

"I thought you were happy with Barron?" He asks almost heartbroken.

"I am happy with Barron. I just want another one. Baby, my womb almost aches I want a baby so bad." She cries on his shoulder.

"I didn't know you wanted a baby so bad. I'm so sorry for being so rough with you the other day when you asked about wanting more. I didn't know you even wanted one." He strokes her head.

"Just one more." She whispers desperately.

"Baby, we'll have as many more as you want." He kisses her head.

"Really?" She asks.

"I'm being dead serious. I don't care if it's 1 more or 4 more." He kisses her cheek.

"You would do that for me?" She asks.

"Of course I would. I want you to be happy. Please forgive me for being so ugly with you." He kisses her gently.

"I forgive you, baby." She kisses his lips.

"We'll start trying whenever you're ready, darling." He strokes her head.

"Whenever we can get rid of Barron for a few days." She smiles.

"I love you." He kisses her again.

"I love you more. I can't wait to expand our family together."

"Anything to make you happy." And he lays her back, kissing her deeply.

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