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Melania had been gone on her first solo trip abroad for nearly a week.

By the time Saturday rolled around, Donald was missing her beyond words. He could not wait to get her back in his arms. Not only because he missed her, but he knew when she was with him, she was safe.

Saturday passed by so slow for the lonely President. He had plans that evening, but he had to sit all day and not do anything in the mean time. Which meant thinking about her all evening.

They were not able to talk much because she was so busy. The beginning of her day, she was exploring and the rest of the day was spent in the air on her way home.

He was going through pictures on his phone of them when his phone rang. It made him nervous because he was not suppose to be getting a call from her. So, he quickly answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, darling. I miss you," Came her soothing voice on the other end.

"I miss you so much. What are you doing?" He asks her sweetly.

"I'm laying on this uncomfortable bed on this plane wishing I was in your arms. We stopped to refuel. So I called you." She said almost in a whisper.

He didn't realize how much he missed her until now. "Oh, baby. I promise I'll hold you all night when you get home. How much longer do you have?" He asks.

"Well, we stopped in Ireland to refuel. They are telling me I have about 7 hours left."

He could tell by her voice that she was extremely tired. "I have a rally tonight so I won't be home until about midnight. I'll wait up for you. Try and get some rest."

"I don't want to sleep. I'm afraid if I sleep now I won't sleep when I get home. And I would much rather sleep tonight with you than on this stupid plane." She was beyond exhausted and couldn't wait to see him.

"Oh, honey. Just a few more hours." He was tired of them being apart.

"Well, I guess I'll let you go. I'll see you when I get home." She sighed.

"I love you, baby. Please be safe."

"I will. I love you more." She hung up and looked at her phone screen which displayed a picture of him kissing her cheek.

They both went about their day and he was SO happy when he got a text from her.

Melania- I just landed in D.C, baby. I'll be home soon.😘

Donald- I can NOT wait!😍

She smiled to herself and slide her phone into her pocket.

He watched out the window anxiously awaiting her arrive.

Then. The moment they were both awaiting.

Her motorcade pulled into the driveway.

He could've crawled out of his skin.

She couldn't wait for the car to stop.

The car finally stopped, she jumped out, and ran inside.

Quickly running up the stairs and into the Residence.

He was waiting at the door for her. "Baby!!!!!" He called out as he picked her up and twirled her around.

She put her hands on both of his cheeks. "Oh, my Donald John. My baby. I've missed you so much." She leans in and presses a tender kiss on his lips.

He smiles widely as she kisses him. "I love you."

"I love you more." She wraps her legs around his waist, puts her arms around the back of his neck, and leans in kissing him again.

This time, he takes over. Deepening the kiss by sliding his tongue in.

Finally after a long kiss, it ends. And she looks into his eyes with pure love for him.

"Go shower and we can go cuddle." He says as he puts her down.

"I showered on the plane. I'm ready to go cuddle whenever you are." She kisses his cheek.

"Come on then. Barron is already asleep." He picks up her suitcase and walks down the hall towards their room.

"You are such a gentleman. A handsome one at that." She coos as she follows him to their room.

They walk into their room, he shuts the door, and she lays across their bed.

"I've missed my bed. There's no place like home." She smiles at him as he comes back in the room from retrieving her last bag. "Thank you for bringing those in here for me."

"Always, baby." He walks into their adjoining bathroom and starts brushing his teeth at his sink.

She walks in and goes to her sink and starts wiping the makeup off her face.

Finally they both finished and in their pajamas, ready to cuddle.

She turns down the blankets and climbs into her side, he shuts out the light leaving only the lamp on, the climbs onto his side.

"Come here, baby." He whispers.

She scoots over to his side and cuddles into his side.

He kisses the top of her head and puts his arm around her. "I love you."

"I love you so much, baby." She smiles widely although he can't see it.

"I'm glad you made it home safely. I've been worrying about you since you left."

"Awww, baby." She whispers.

"I want to hear all about it, darling." He says as he kisses her head again.

"Tomorrow. I promise. Tonight I just want to sleep in your arms." She says as she leans up and kisses his cheek.

"That's exactly what I want." He leans over and lifts her chin, kissing her long and slow.

They kiss. For a long time. Making up for all the time they lost while she was gone.

Then she pulls away and lays her head on his chest. "Good night, babe. I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses her head once more.

And with that, she falls asleep on his chest listening to the sound of his beating heart.

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