A Sick Baby

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Melania wakes up in the middle of the night feeling terrible and decides to check her temperature. After discovering the she's running a high fever, she curls up in bed.

She spends the rest of the night having cold chills and sweating from the fever on top of vomiting all night.

Not wanting to disturb his sleep, she curls up on the couch and sleeps on the couch.

He wakes up early the next morning and goes to put his arm over her, only to realize she wasn't there. Panicked, he gets up looking for her. "Melania! Baby! Where are you?!"

She wakes up and hears the panic in is voice. Weakly, she tries to yell back, "Baby, I'm on the couch."

He walks in so relieved to see her. "Baby, I was so wor....." he notices she's pale and looks terrible, "Baby, what is wrong?? You look awful." He squats down beside her and gently pushes her hair out of her face.

"You may not want to get close. I'm so sick, honey. I have a high fever and I've spent the whole night vomiting."

"Hey, darling, I'm not leaving your side until you feel better. I'm so sorry you're so sick. Why didn't you wake me up?" He kisses her lips gently and rubs her cheek with his thumb.

"You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to bother you. I was getting up every hour and I knew you would wake up feeling me move so much. And quite frankly, I didn't want to breathe on you because I don't want you to get it."

"Honey, you should have woke me up. I hate that you were alone and you were so sick. Come back to bed and I'll hold you." He helps her to their bed and onto the bed, then he comes back with her pillow, phone, phone charger, Sprite, and a cold wash rag. He sets a bucket on her nightstand, "Baby, here's this bucket just in case you can't make it to the bathroom."

"Oh, honey. Thank you so much. I surely don't deserve you."

He lays on the bed beside her and holds her close. She lays her head on his chest, and he can feel the heat from her fever through his T-shirt. "My poor baby." He kisses the top of her head gently and strokes her head as she sleeps.

After sleeping for hours upon hours, she wakes up to find it dark outside again and she's still cuddled up on him. "Baby, have you stayed here all day?"

"Yes, darling. I told you I wasn't going to leave your side until you felt better. I've enjoyed cuddling you and kissing your head. Are you feeling better? Do you need anything?"

"I feel really just blah. I need to get up and get some crackers and a Gatorade. I'll get it."

"Absolutely not! Lay back down!" He gets up and gets what she needs. "Here, baby. I'm glad you're feeling some better"

"Thank you for taking such good care of me today." She smiles at him as she eats a cracker.

"I enjoyed taking care of you, darling. That's what marriage is about. Through sickness and health, baby girl." He kisses her gently several times and rubs her back.

She eats a couple crackers then lays back feeling so weak and tired. He holds her around the waist as she goes back to sleep. He kisses her cheek as she sleeps and whispers, "I love you, baby."

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