Steamy Weekend Part 2

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Melania woke up the next morning still naked from their night of reconnecting and she was freezing.

She rolled over, expecting to be greeted by his warm embrace on the other side of the bed.

She was sorely disappointed when she realized the other side of the bed was completely empty.

She groaned and got up, putting her robe on, looking for her husband.

As she walked down the stairs, the smell of hot breakfast and coffee greeted her.

She walked in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around him. "Whatcha doing, babe?" She kisses his back.

"I was hoping to surprise you with breakfast in bed." He turned around, holding her close.

"I woke up cold. I must say, I was disappointed to find the bed empty." She pressed her lips to his.

"I'm sorry, baby. I figured you would be starving after last night." He smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm starving. And don't apologize. You're the sweetest man I've ever met." She grinned, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"What are your plans this weekend for real?" He asks, handing her a plate of breakfast.

"Nothing really. I figured you would golf, so I'll catch up on your dirty laundry while you're gone, then just to spend some time together. If that's okay?" She hummed, taking a bite of her breakfast.

" actually that's not okay." He informed her.

"Oh... if you have something else planned, don't mind me...." She was interrupted by putting his finger to her lips.

"I'm not golfing. We are spending the weekend together. And screw the laundry. I'll pay someone to do it. I want to spend the whole weekend with you, my love." He leans over, softly kissing her cheek.

"Oh, my God, I love you so freaking much." She kissed him back. "But I will be doing your laundry. That is my job."

After they ate breakfast, he disappeared up the stairs to use the restroom and when he came back, he found her standing in their giant living room in her robe, looking out the picture windows over New York.

He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You okay, sweetheart?" He rests his chin on her shoulder.

She held his hands that were around her waist. "I'm beyond perfect, darling. I didn't realize how much I needed a weekend alone with you."

His words melt his heart. "I thought you were getting tired of me." He teased.

She gently elbowed him. "I never get tired of you."

She relaxes against him, enjoying the view, and the moment between them. "Hey, I've got an idea!" She turns in his arms.

"And what would that be, gorgeous?" He kisses her nose.

"Grab a blanket, I'm gonna run upstairs and get something, I'll be right back." She starts up the stairs. "Meet me on the couch!"

She jogs down the stairs and he is waiting on the couch for her, with a cozy blanket and her favorite wine. "Whatcha got, babe?" He asks.

"Our wedding album!" She beamed, cuddling up in his side, under the blanket.

"The wedding was amazing, but the honeymoon was way better, but too bad there's no pictures of that to reminisce on." He giggles, kissing her head.

"You're cheeky." She grins as she slowly flips through the album.

He can tell she is genuinely happy, enjoying looking back on the best day of their lives. "Babe?" He interrupts the silence.

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