Protecting My Baby

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Before the presidency, Donald and Melania led a pretty normal life. At least they thought it was normal. They could come and go as they pleased and really, just be normal citizens in the great country they live in.

One fall afternoon while Barron was in school, Melania decided she wanted to go for a walk in Central Park. No one was home and she needed to get out.

She put some sweatpants on, her running shoes, and texted Donald to let him know where she was going.

She was enjoying her walk surrounded by the beautiful Fall colors when she noticed something really weird. Some random guy in all black was following her. She quickly decided her walk needed to turn into a run.

As she ran, she noticed this man dressed in all black was still on her trail.

She quickly ran back to Trump Tower and he followed close behind. She darted in the door and ran up to their apartment.

Out of breath following the weird encounter, she made herself a smoothie and sat down trying to figure out what just happened.

She decided it was probably just a freak accident. So she didn't mention it to Donald.

Over the next few weeks, the mail she was receiving increased. She didn't care. She went on vacation with Donald and Barron and chose to deal with it when she got home.

They spent a wonderful 3 weeks tucked away in Scotland at their golf resort.

After she was home and had Barron settled back into their normal routine, she decided to conquer her stack of mail that was overflowing onto the floor.

She separated the mail into piles. What she thought looked important/business related and fan mail. She got through the important pile then moved on.

As she opened them, she noticed none of them had return addresses, but she continued on.

She was immensely creeped out when one letter read, "I'm watching you." The next letter went on to describe the outfit she wore on her run several weeks earlier.

She open 20 letters with weird messages in them that creeped her out. She had one left and she was hopefully that it would be positive.

As she opened it, she found a weird, powdery substance inside.

She dropped the envelope and ran down to his office. "BABY! SOMEONE IS STALKING ME!!!" She cried with tears running down her cheeks.

"Baby, calm down. What are you talking about?" He holds her hand totally confused.

"Okay. So a few weeks ago when I went for a run right before vacation in Central Park, I noticed I was being followed by a man dressed in all black. I quickly ran home and he followed me all the way until the entrance of Trump Tower. I didn't say anything to you because I thought I was paranoid. My mail pile was overflowing so I went through it today. Baby, I got 20 disturbing letters and I had one left. It had some weird powder in it."

Donald sits at his desk completely shocked and mouth hanging open. "Baby, what did the letters say?"

"One of them described my jogging suit, one said I was theirs now, one talked about Barron. None of them had a return address though."

"OH MY GOD!!!! I'M GOING TO KILL SOMEONE IF THEY TOUCH YOU OR BARRON!!!! AND I'M NOT JOKING!" He starts pacing in his office completely ticked that someone would mess with his little family. "Okay, baby. I'm going to take the letters to the police station and tell them what happened. I'll get Barron from school. Do not leave our apartment and do not open the door for anyone." He kisses her gently then walks her up to their apartment, retrieves the letters, kiss her goodbye then heads for Barron then the police station.

He walks out into the cold, fall day totally mad that someone would even think about touching his family.

He goes to Barron's school and sits waiting for him to be dismissed.

Barron walks out smiling when he sees his dad picking him up. "Dad, this is new! I like it!" He gets into the passenger seat and buckles up.

Donald tells him what happened then tells him they are pulling him out of school for a few weeks.

On the way home from the police station, Donald decides it's time to hire security for Melania and Barron.

They get home and walk into the quiet penthouse. "Baby, Barron and I are home."

"I'm in the kitchen."

Barron sits down at the dining room table and Donald goes into the kitchen to see Melania.

He is so relieved to see her smiling. He wraps his arms around her waist, smiling, and kisses her slowly and passionately.

She leans in and smiles, meeting his lips.

Barron sits in the dining room hearing their kissing and rolls his eyes. "Mom! Dad! Gross! Get a room!"

Donald laughs and slowly pulls away from her lips. "We actually have a room. Would you like us to use it?" Melania lays her head on his shoulder laughing.

"Dad! Seriously! Stop!"

"Okay, I will. Do your homework." He picks her up and sets her on the countertop. "I have a couple surprises for you." He says between kisses.

"Oh, yeah?"

"First off. You and Bubby now have security wherever you go. For the next part of your surprise, I'm relocating the three of us to Scotland for a while."

She cries tears of relief. "Oh God babe. I'm so thankful for you. Thank you so much." She kisses him.

"Mom! Lips to yourself!" Barron rolls his eyes.

"Oh trust me, baby boy that's not happening." She leans back into his lips.

"Baby, I don't want you to worry. You're safe in my arms. I won't let anything touch you." He leans in, smiling and kisses her so tenderly and romantically.

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