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Melania wakes up on a Saturday morning and notices he's still in bed with her and he's cuddled up to her. They rarely wake up together. He's always up first and already starting his day when she gets up.

Not wanting to wake him, she gently kisses his bare arm that's holding her and she whispers to herself, "Gosh. How did I get so lucky." She peacefully lays beside him, watching him sleep, gently rubbing his cheek with her thumb.

She finally falls back to sleep, and later wakes up to him kissing her face and neck. "Good morning, handsome man."

"Good morning, hot momma." he replies kissing her gently.

She smiles and then notices the time. "Baby, you missed your golfing trip. Its so late in the morning! You need to get up and shower."

"Honey, relax. I took the day off. I'm staying home with you and Barron today. I figured we could use a family day. You and I need a day of just cuddling and kissing. We can watch movies with Barron. I would rather be with my family than golfing."

"Did you really?! Awwwww, babe! You're so sweet. We definitely could use a cuddle day." She replies smiling and kisses him for a long time.

"You know we could start this day off right." he winks and kisses her neck.

"Baby, you are feisty this morning." laughing and cuddles up with him.

After hours of talking, cuddling, kissing, and flirting, they get up in time for lunch.

Meeting Barron in the dining room, they sit down.

"Man, dad! Talk about a bed head! Mom looks half way decent for lunch, you just look like you rolled around all night."

They all laugh and eat their lunch catching up after a long week of being apart.

After lunch, they all cuddle up on the couch and watch movies for the rest of the day.

He's holding Melania and watching Barron play on his phone, "Gosh, I love my family." he smiles widely and kisses Melania's head.

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