It's Not Funny!

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Donald and Melania were at Maralago spending some family time, away from their busy New York life.

Melania tended to have a green thumb. So she was messing around in the landscape, planting some flowers. Donald and their one year old baby, Barron, was behind her, playing on a beach towel.

She smiled as she worked, hearing her little guy giggle as his daddy played with him. Nothing warmed her heart more than the bond between her husband and son.

Melania was working peacefully when a snake slithered out and across the top of her hands.

She instantly screamed and started crying as she backed away quickly.

"What is wrong?!" Donald asks from the beach towel.

"A snake!" She exclaims frantically.

Donald laughs. "It'll be okay. It's more afraid of you than you are of it."

"It's not funny!" She yells as she runs inside crying.

He was so confused. It was just a simple snake. It could have been much worse.

"Let's go check on mommy." He tells Barron, picking him up and walking towards their room.

"Mama?!" The baby says, looking all around for her.

"She's inside. Let's go find her."

And that they did.

She was curled up in a ball on their bed sobbing, she was sickly pale, and shaking like a leaf.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks softly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She didn't say a word.

That's when he knew something was wrong. She never ignored him. Not even when she was mad.

He sits Barron down on the bed and he instantly crawls over to her.

She wraps her arms around him, cuddling him close to her chest as she sobs.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He was getting extremely nervous. She never acts like this.

"I'm terribly afraid of snakes and you had the nerve to laugh at me!" She explains defensively.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. I just thought you were being dramatic. I didn't know it meant that much to you." He felt guilty right away. He knew he hurt her.

"That could have been our son! It could have bit him! Or wrapped around his neck and chocked him!" She was so shaken up.

He lays down beside her and wraps his arm around her. "I'm so sorry, baby girl. I didn't know you were so scared. I didn't mean to hurt you. Barron is just fine. We'll keep a close eye on him when we are outside. I promise." He reaches over and gently strokes her cheek.

She could never stay mad at him. He was too charming and he knew it.

She slowly rolls over, laying Barron between them. "I didn't mean to snap on you. I just can't handle snakes. I literally have a phobia. I'm not lying or being dramatic."

"I know. I believe you. Next time, I'll watch and take care of them for you. I promise." He leans over Barron, who is sucking his thumb peacefully, and kisses her gently.

He could tell she didn't feel good from the experience, but didn't quite know what was wrong. "Babe, are you feeling okay?"

"Not really. I'm really light-headed. Why?" She asks.

"You're extremely pale. Just stay there. Don't move." He quickly jumps out of bed and gets a cold wash rag, laying it on her forehead.

"You take such good care of me." She reaches out and holds his hand as he lays back down on the bed.

"Anything to make you happy. And keep you alive. I don't want to make a hospital trip." He leans over and kisses her head.

"I love you so much." She whispers.

"I love you more, baby girl." He leans over Barron and kisses her ever so slowly.

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