The Night Before

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It was January 21, 2005. That meant it was the day before the future Mr. and Mrs. Trump's wedding.

It had been a terribly busy day for Melania. She felt like she was running nonstop trying to do last minute details. Like getting her nails done, making sure her dress was ironed, making sure the cake had arrived in the ball room at Maralago, getting last minute items for the honeymoon, and the list could go on and on.

Donald on the other hand had a completely relaxed day, like a typical groom. He went for a walk in the morning with Melania, lunch with his kids, afternoon golf with her father, then the rehearsal. Which he could not wait for. He knew he was going to get to see her for more than 2 seconds.

She was running late, so she was stressing and didn't have time to change into the dress she bought for the rehearsal.

She arrived 5 minutes late and once she arrived, everyone clapped as the bride walked into the room.

"I'm so sorry, baby. The traffic was horrible and I've been........." She was cut off before she could finish by him kissing her.

"Hey, its okay. You're here safe and sound and that is all I care about." He kisses her again as she sighs and relaxes.

"Hey! No kissing until you're married!" Don Jr. jokingly yells out.

"Trust me. We've done way worse."

She giggles and blushes slightly.

"Well, that's gross to think about." His son fake gagged.

"Let's get this started. I haven't seen her all day and I want to spend some time with her this evening." Donald says as he holds Melania's hand, gently rubbing his thumb over her smooth, silky skin trying to keep her calm.

The minister starts and everyone walks in like they are suppose to. Donald and Melania stand there, looking into each others eyes, both wishing this was the real deal so they could be married already.

"I love you." He whispers softly to her.

She smiles her gorgeous smile that always melts his heart. "I love you too."

Finally, rehearsal is over and they get in the car together.

"Baby, where are you staying tonight?" He asks.

"I haven't decided. I was considering staying with Ines, but I don't know that for sure. Why?" She asks.

"Because I'm worried about you and quite honestly, I am tired of being away from you today."

"Awwww, babe." She leans over and kisses him slowly. "After tomorrow, you'll wish you had days like today because you will be stuck with me."

"I would love to spend the rest of my life stuck with you." He winks.

She leans over and whispers sweetly. "Please kiss me."

So he does as he's asked and he kisses her the whole way back to maralago.

She pulls away breathlessly.

"Forget rehearsal dinner. I just want to go upstairs and crawl into bed with my soon-to-be wife." He rubs his hand up and down her leg.

"I guess you're going to have to wait until tomorrow night, Mr Trump." She giggles and gets out.

"Ughhhh! I hate tradition! Because after I kiss you goodnight, I won't see you again until you're walking down the aisle to marry me." He pouts and she laughs.

"I don't think you'll die, babe." She laughs and holds his hand as they walk.

"I really did miss you today." He informs her.

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