Early Christmas

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Donald wanted to have a nice, romantic night alone with his wife. Life had been terribly hectic and they really hadn't taken time for each other. And he hated it. So he took matters into his own hands.

He did some ordering online and he was set.

As part of his surprise, he kicked Barron out of the house for the night and set up a candle lit dinner for the two of them.

He walked to her office to tell her the news. He found her standing with her back to him at her filing cabinet.

He walks up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "How are you Mrs. Trump?"

"I'm amazing now." She smiles, relaxing against him.

"I have a couple surprises for you." He whispers, kissing behind her ear.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Well, I kicked Barron out for the night and I have dinner by candle light ready for us." He kisses her shoulder.

"I needed this." She sighs.

"Let's go." He holds her hand and leads her to dinner.

After they are done eating, he sits a box in front of her.

"What's this for? I don't have you a gift." She tells him.

"I don't want a gift. Open it." He smiles.

She opens the box and pulls the tissue paper off it. Revealing a lacy, red lingerie set. She instantly bit her lip.

"We don't have to use that tonight. I'm not saying I want sex. I just want you to know I'm going to start taking more time for you." He explains himself.

She leans across the table and whispers, "I do want sex, Mr. President."

He was instantly turned on. "God!"

She put the box down and they ate dessert. Both of them forgetting about her gift.

They watched a Christmas movie together and she was getting tired. "Babe, I'm gonna go shower." She kisses his cheek.

He had already showered, so he went to bed, waiting to cuddle her.

She opens the door and walks out, his jaw instantly dropping. "DANG, BABE!" He couldn't help it. She looked so beautiful in her lacy outfit.

"Do you like, Mr. President?" She asks, walking towards their bed.

"I do!" He wastes no time grabbing her wrists and pulling her down onto the bed. "God, baby."

She could already see the arousal in his pajama pants and she couldn't help but stare.

"I just want to admire you." He whispers, licking her neck.

"That's not happening. Because I want you." She blushes.

He slowly removes the top half of her outfit. He couldn't help it anymore. He bends down and sucks on her boob, squeezing the other. Causing her to moan loudly.

"Donald John!" She was already grabbing handfuls of the sheets, as he kept sucking, kissing, and squeezing at her breasts.

"Mmmmmmm. I can't help it." He whispers as he leaves a hickey on the side of her boob.

Then he pulls the last half of her outfit off. He loves teasing her.

He kisses her inner thigh, teasing her to no end.

"Come on, babe! Enough teasing!" She was so turned on, she's now begging.

"Yes, Love." He winks and begins working his magic on her, causing her to moan and groan so loud as she grabs the headboard.

"I can't help it!" He rips his pajama pants off and enters her.

"My God!" He collapses beside her.

"Sexy beast." She winks, all sweaty and panting beside him.

"God I love you so much." He holds her tight to him as he body trembles.

"I needed that. Badly." She kisses him gently then cuddles up to him.

"Me too. It was much needed." He kisses her slowly. "Merry early Christmas, baby."

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