New Years from Hell

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Donald and Melania had always spent their New Years the same way for the past 22 years.

They spent it at Maralago, hosting a New Years Eve party for all their close family and friends. It was their tradition and they loved it.

But this year was a little different.  Duty called in Washington, DC. And their trip abruptly ended and they flew back to DC.

He practically had to drag her out by her hair, but she went. And she was mad about it. And she didn't care who knew it.

They boarded the plane and she just stared out the window, ignoring him.

"If I knew you were going to act like this, I would have left you there." He finally said from his desk.

She shot a glare at him and if looks could kill, he would be dead. "You don't have to be such an....." She was cut off by his phone ringing, and she rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, putting her AirPods in and listening to an audio book.

As they flew, he couldn't help, but to watch her. Yes, she was mad at him and hated the world, but she was still so beautiful.

She caught him staring. "Don't stare. You'll get turned on and we aren't going there."

"Baby.. I won't... just relax. Once the plane lands, you can go back. You don't have to stay."

She knew it wasn't his fault that they had to end their trip early, but she was still mad about it, and unfortunately, he was the only one there to take it. "Thats not what you said this morning. This is the first time in 22 years that I've not been at Maralago on New Years Eve!"

"Oh... so you would rather be at Maralago alone than be with your husband. Got it." He quipped back at her, rolling his eyes.

"I didn't mean it like that."

They landed at the White House and he went straight to his office. She on the other hand, changed into her favorite leggings and sweater and sunk into the couch with some wine and a fruit bowl, binge watching her favorite shows.

It was getting pretty late and he finally came in from the office, having not talked to her since their little argument on the plane.

"Hey, baby." He kisses the top of her head from behind the couch. "I'm starving. What about a nice dinner since it's just the two of us?"

"I'm not hungry. I think I'm going to go take a bath." She stood up and walked towards their room, on her phone.

"I would love to spend time you too, baby." He rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen, digging around in the refrigerator, trying to find something to eat.

But it was a lost cause. He sat down at the table with ice cold leftover pizza that Barron had brought home and a Diet Coke, all alone. 

She took an extremely long bath and came out in her robe and house shoes.

"Hey, beautiful. Come sit with me. I'll even watch your sappy hallmark movies and rub your feet." He begged from the couch. He was desperate to get to spend a little time with her.

"I'm really tired. I'm just going to get some water and go to bed." She grabbed a bottle of water and set off for their room, shutting the door.

Donald sat alone in the silence of the White House residence. "Way to go, Don... you really blew it this time... should have just let her stay." He ran his fingers through his hair completely stressed out.

He ended up spending his evening all alone, catching up on paperwork and emails.

It was almost midnight and he quietly walked into their room and sat on the bed.

He shook her gently, knowing it was risky waking her up. "Baby... wake up."

"Why are you waking me up?!!! It better be a flipping emergency!!!" She nagged.

"It's not... and I'm sorry... but I just want to talk for a minute. I know you hate me right now, but hear me out. Please?" He pleaded with her.

"You couldn't wait until tomorrow?! You had to wake me up now?" She whined.

"It probably could have, but darling, I want to start the new year on the right foot. No, I'm not asking for sex. I'm not even going to ask for a kiss. I just wanted to tell you I was sorry. I should have let you stay with Barron at maralago. I know you hate this place and everyday I hate myself for dragging you into this political life. I just want you to be happy. I'll try to make it up to you. I know I can't give you the party back, but whatever you want, baby." He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry for waking you up. Go back to sleep." He got up and left the room, shutting the door.

She could never stay mad at him for too long, and they both knew it. And at the end of the day, she knew they loved each other unconditionally. "Hey, come back here!!"

He swallowed hard, as he walked back, expecting to be chewed out for the thousandth time. "Yes, honey?"

"Come over here." She patted the bed beside her.

He sat down beside her. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry for being such a butthead. It wasn't your fault. You're just doing your job. And I should have supported that. I'm sorry for ruining what could have been a beautiful evening alone. That was all on me."

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. I just want you to be happy and I failed today." He ran his fingers through his hair again.

"No, you didn't fail. You tried today and I pushed you away. So I'm the jerk. Will you forgive me?" She asks.

"Of course I will. Now get back to sleep." He kisses her head and starts to walk away.

"I'm not done. Come back here." She orders.

He did as he was told.

"Please cuddle me." She asks softly.

How could he even tell her no. He turned the light off and climbed into bed beside her, holding her close.

He could see from her alarm clock that it had just turned midnight. The new year was finally here. "Happy new year, baby." He whispers.

She leans into his lips, kissing him long and slow. "You really weren't going to kiss me were you?!"

"Not until I knew you were ready." He leaned back into her lips, kissing her back.

She whispers against his lips before cuddling into him. "I love you. And happy new year, my love."

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