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It was getting late as Melania laid on their couch, tying away at her online journal.

Donald had gone out to a campaign event alone. She wasn't into campaign fundraisers. She would go when he wanted her to, but she would much rather sit at home in her robe.

Since it was getting late, she shot him a text, just to check in and make sure everything was okay.

She had expected him home over an hour ago, and she was starting to get worried.

Several more hours went by, when he finally walked through the door, smiling from ear to ear.

She sat up on the couch. "Where have you been?!" The tone of her voice was harsher than she meant it to be.

"At the event." He loosens his bow tie. "Why does it matter to you?"

"Ummmm... I'm your wife.... And why are you so happy acting?" She sits up all the way, pulling the blanket up with her.

"Can't I smile and be happy?" He laughs and walks out of the room.

"You haven't seen me almost all day and you're just going to walk away?!" She got up and started following him.

"I don't know what your deal is.... But you need to chill. I'm not a little boy. I'm a grown man. I'll come and go as I please. We've been together for 20+ years... I would think you would learn that by now. You're not my mom, Melania." He lectures, walking into the bathroom adjoined to their bedroom.

She swallows hard, feeling only an inch big after his lecture. "I'm sorry." She walks out of their room, knowing her presence wasn't wanted, cuddling back up on the couch alone.

He goes to bed without saying anything else to her.

She lays on the couch, scrolling through social media, when she stumbles across numerous pictures and videos of women all over him at this campaign event.

The longer she scrolls, the more mad she gets.

Until she sees one where this woman has her hand on his chest, laughing, with his arm around her back, then she blows up.

She storms into their room, turning the light on. "What the hell is this?!!!" She holds her phone out in front of him.

"A picture?! God.. give it up, Melania!" He puts the pillow over his face.

"No, I won't give it up! Who is this?!" She barks.

"Some woman I met tonight!"

"That you sat and talked with forever and was hugging?! What the hell?! Is this why you came home grinning?!" The longer she thought about it, the madder she got.

"Are you jealous?!" He laughs in her face.

"Actually, I am! I NEVER get that kind of attention from you!" She was trying so hard to keep her emotions under control.

"You are so full of crap! Do you even know what you're saying right now?!" He sits up, nose to nose with her.

"Are you having an affair?" Her heartbreaks, just asking the question.

"Maybe if you would have sex with me and come out in public with me, you wouldn't have to worry about me having an affair, now would you?" He smirks in her face.

"GOD!!!!!!! YOU MAKE ME SO MAD!!!!!!!" She grabs her hair, pulling it.

"You're mad because you know it's true."

"You're such a cocky, arrogant, jerk!!!!!!" She stands up, so mad she's shaking.

"You need to chill out and go to bed before you do something stupid." He lays back down, unphased by her.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now