A Trump Baby

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Donald and Melania decided they wanted to have another baby. After months upon months of trying with no success, they decided they just were meant to be a family of three. They were okay with that and chose to get be happy with the son they already have.

They go on with life as normal. They spent the next few weeks enjoying life as a happily married couple.

A few months later Melania is getting ready for the day and notices her jeans are getting kinda snug. "Baby, do I look like I've put on some weight?" she asks him. "Absolutely not, darling. You look amazing. Why do you ask that?" giving her a reassuring kiss on her forehead. "I don't know. My jeans are just getting small. I don't know why. I've followed my diet carefully. I don't eat a bunch of junk. I exercise daily. Its just weird. I must just be getting old." she says sitting on the edge of the bed disappointed. "Baby girl, don't worry about it. Everyone gains a little weight at some point. You look amazing and gorgeous." he gently rubs her cheek with his thumb trying to comfort her.

She notices all of her clothes continue to get tight, then randomly she gets really sick. Laying beside him one night, she cuddles into his back. "Honey, I'm really nauseated." He rolls over towards her and throws his arm over her, holding her close. "Oh baby. I'm so sorry. I hope you're not getting sick," he says kissing her cheeks and forehead hoping to make her a little better.

She spends the whole night throwing up. After two weeks of getting sick at least twice a day, she decides she should get checked out.

She goes to the doctor and finds out she's three months pregnant. She goes home so happy and excited to tell him their exciting news.

After a long day of preparing his surprise and dying for him to come home, he finally gets home. "Baby, I'm home"

"Come see me, handsome. I'm in the kitchen"

He walks in and wraps his arms around her from her from behind. "Whatcha doing, baby? I've missed you today." He gently kisses her neck a few times.

"Stop it! The grandkids and Barron are right there, you little flirt," she kisses his cheek. "I do have a surprise for you, but you can't have it when there's people around."

"Okay. No one is in the living room. We can go sit in there? Is that okay?" He is slightly confused, but excited to see what she has up her sleeve.

"Perfect." She grabs the gift bag and walks to the living room. "Here, baby." She hands it to him nervous of his reaction.

"Thanks, baby." He pulls a teddy bear out of the bag. "Awww, thanks, darling."

"Read it's foot, silly!" She turns it around so he can see it.

He reads it and it says 'Trump Baby #2 coming January '19' "Oh my God! Baby?! We are having a baby?!"

"Congratulations, daddy!" She leans over and kisses his cheek, smiling widely.

"Oh gosh! I can't believe it finally happened!" He hugs her tightly. "I can't believe it! We are going to be parents again! I can't wait to raise another baby with you. You're a fabulous Mommy." He kisses her gently several times so happy.

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