Trying Again

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The more Donald discussed a run for office again, the more Melania began to stress about it.

She knew politics was what he was passionate about and she understood that, but selfishly, she was enjoying their nice, quiet life in Florida.

Everything was perfect-aside from politics. And she wanted to keep it that way.

The tense between them continued to build and he was frustrated that she wasn't being more supportive.

To help try to defuse the situation, they both agreed they needed some space for a few days.

He flew to LA for a week of golfing and she stayed back in Florida.

Even though they weren't talking too much, she was keeping tabs on what he was doing and who he was doing it with.

Over the course of the week, she noticed the same woman was in his golf cart every day and she was going increasingly more and more jealous.

After a few more days, Donald makes his return home. He wraps his arms around her waist as soon as he walks in the door. "I missed you." He grins at her.

"Did you?" She rubs her thumb on his sunburnt cheek.

"More than I care to admit." He leans in, kissing her slowly.

She pulls away slowly. "How was your trip?"

"Relaxing... but it would have been better if you were there." He leans his forehead against hers.

"That would have defeated the purpose of us being apart for a few days, honey." She gently reminded him.

"I guess that's true, but I still missed you." He backs away and she notices something on his neck, but decides not to say anything.

Later that night, he gets out of the shower and comes to their bed, shirtless.

She's sitting with her back against the backboard, typing on her computer, her glasses perched on her nose.

That's when she gets a real good glimpse of his neck. And just as she thought... a hickey.

"Did something happen while you were gone that you should tell me about?" She was trying to control her voice and her emotions, but it wasn't working too well.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, slightly irritated.

"I don't know. I'm just asking." She gives him the look.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He rubs the side of his neck that the hickey is on, as if he knows that she knows.

"So if nothing happened, what's on your neck?" She takes her glasses off, biting at her fingernails nervously.

"There's nothing on my neck!" He touches it again self consciously.

"Yes, there is! And you know there is! You keep touching it!" She finally lets out. "And I KNOW you had a woman with you while you golfed."

"Were you stalking me?! Do you keep tabs on my whereabouts?! Do you have a problem?!" Now he was annoyed. And he didn't care if she knew it.

"I wasn't stalking you! I missed you! And you would never answer my texts! That all makes sense now." She rubs her forehead, trying to hold her composure.

"Why would I answer texts?! You sent me away because you don't want me to run for the White House again! I didn't want to talk to you!"

"I didn't send you away! We agreed that it was the best idea for a few days! I didn't think you were going to go and have the time of your life with some younger woman!" Her voice cracks and the tears are threatening to spill out at any moment.

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