I'm Sorry

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Donald and Melania have been settled into their White House life for some time. Adjusting well, and helping their son adjust.

Now, they have extremely busy schedules. More so than before. Today was no exception.

Donald and Melania were expected to host the Prime Minister of another county for the day. The Prime Minister and his wife were both on the schedule to attend.

The morning arrived and Melania woke up alone. Which is normal when they have such a big day ahead.

So she does her morning routine, exercising, drinking a smoothie, taking a shower, then getting ready for the day.

She loses track of time. Then sees a text from him.

Donald- "Babe, you're late."

"Darn it!" She forgot she was suppose to be in his office by 10 a.m. So she quickly puts her heels on and heads for his office.

"Sorry I'm late. I forgot I had to meet you here." She says apologetic.

"It's okay. Don't stress it, baby." He kisses her softly. "You look stunning today by the way."

"Thanks, baby." She smiles melted by his compliment.

They go out and greet the Prime Minister and his office.

A tall, dark headed, handsome man steps out along with his gorgeous wife.

He and Donald share a friendly exchange. Then it's Melania's turn.

Donald notices that this Prime Minister is really flirty with her. Kissing her cheeks multiple times, instead of shaking her hand, he holds it, and he's just generally flirty. And it does not settle well with Donald. That is his baby and you don't mess with her.

The day goes on and she goes to the Residence to help Barron with homework and he finishes work in his office. Little did she know, he's mad.

He comes up still mad. "I'm home."

She can tell by the tone of his voice that something is wrong. She walks around the corner. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He walks past her not kissing her and quite frankly, just giving her the cold shoulder.

She sits down at the table. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"No, I'm not. If you don't know, then you can just not know." He rolls his eyes and sits down on the couch with his phone.

"No, we're not doing this. I haven't done anything today. I deserve an explanation."

He stands up and gets in her face. "I saw you flirting with that Prime Minister today!"

She takes a step back, shocked. "Ummm. Baby..... I........didn't do anything. I was just cordial."

"If I really don't make you happy, then leave! Quit flirting with other men and and letting time flirt with you!" He's starting to rise his voice without realizing it.

"You need to chill out. If you're going to be a jerk, you can be alone." She turns around to walk out.


She turns around totally ticked off. "You're just being jealous! I can't believe you!" She storms off and lays across their bed. Holding her pillow, sobbing into it. So heartbroken knowing she didn't do anything wrong.

He sits on the couch realizing how lonely the Residence is without her by his side. He feels beyond guilty and decides to talk to her.

He peeks in the bedroom door, "baby, can I come in?"

"Yeah, I can't keep you out of your own room."

He sits down beside where she's laying on the bed and he sees how much she's been crying. "Oh, baby. I'm so very sorry. I didn't mean to get so upset with you. It just scares me."

"Why would it scare you?"

"Because I'm getting old and I'm afraid someone younger and more handsome is going to come by and steal you away from me. I don't want to lose the love of my life."

She sits up. "Honey, I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry about that. It's okay. I forgive you." She leans over and kisses him tenderly.

"Mmmmm! Those lips!" He leans in wanting another kiss.

She gives in and kisses him deeply, holding the back of his head. "I love you."

"I love you too!" He kisses her neck.

"Mmmmmmm!" She leans her head back giving him access.

"Stop it. You're turning me on!"

"What's wrong with that? We just fought. I think we need to make up." She winks and pulls on his tie.

"Are you being serious?!" He can't help but get excited thinking about it.

"Of course not. I may or maybe not have a new nightie on." She winks and hands him the tie to her robe.

"Can I?"


He slowly unties her robe. "My God! You look sexy!" He lays her back on the bed and leaves kisses all over her neck.

She starts unbuttoning his shirt. "You make me crazy!"

"I can't believe I got so lucky!" He pulls her nightie over her head, leaving her naked on the bed.

"You waist no time." She laughs at his eagerness.

He starts kissing all over body.

After much teasing and arousing, they make each other happy to the fullest ability.

He collapses on the bed beside her. "God your amazing!"

"I'm sorry for the claw and bite marks." She says in all seriousness.

"I'm not." He giggles and kisses her gently. "Thank you for making me so happy. And by the way, you have hickeys all over. So we're even." He winks and cuddles her close.

"Can we fight every day? Because God! If making up feels like this, I want it every day. I'm so lucky."

He leans over and they kiss for the longest time.

After much kissing, they fall asleep in each other's arm, totally exhausted from their make up session.

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