Put a Shirt On!

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Donald comes into the Palm Beach apartment he shared with his wife and his son, after an afternoon of golf.

When Donald walked in, it was abnormally quiet. Which wasn't unusual. Barron liked to just stay in his room, like any other teenage boy. Melania was usually busy working on her laptop or still unpacking boxes. This time, it was complete silence.

"Babe.... I'm home..." he called out as he took his golf shoes off by the door, to which he got no answer.

He looked in the kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom and she was no where to be found. He checked his phone, to see if he had any messages from her, but he didn't.

He walked into their room and was so relieved to see her standing on their balcony with the doors closed, standing in her robe.

He gently opened the door, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Can I join you?"

She hummed in his embrace. "I could never tell you no." She relaxed in his embrace.

He leaned around, kissing her cheek. "I missed you."

"Oh, I missed you more." She grinned.

"I'll never get tired of this beach view.... and you." He whispered.

"You're a flirt." She giggles.

"Oh.... have you had the tv on? Or been on twitter?" He asked.

She turns in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. "No, why?"

"Some handsome devil was acquitted.... again!" He smirked as he ran his hands down her back, squeezing her butt.

"Are you serious?!!!!!" She was beyond ecstatic, finally the freedom they deserved.

"Dead serious." He smiled.

She leans into his lips, kissing him for several minutes. "Does this mean I get good sex again?" She bites her lip.

"Good sex?!!! What are you trying to say there, Melania?!" He acted hurt.

"Good sex... maybe I should have just said sex period. It's been weeks." She kissed his neck.

"Mmmmmmm maybe." He moaned.

"If it helps my case.... we're home alone." She continued kissing all around his neck.

"MELANIA KNAUSS TRUMP!" He wasted no time, lifting her up and carrying her into their room.

She giggles as he drops her onto their bed, hovering over her. "That took no time." She grinned.

"I've missed you..." he starts kissing down her cheek and neck.

"It's the middle of the day.... we've not done this in a long time." She mutters through her moans.

He bit the tie to her robe, pulling it open. He was beyond thrilled when her robe fell open and she was completely naked. "Dear GOD! Someone has been laying in the sun!" He couldn't help but to admire his naked wife.

"You're looking a little tan yourself, Mr. President. And slim. Which is...." she whispers as she pulls his shirt over his head. "Sexy as hell."

"I'm not the president." He murmured as he took her breast into his mouth.

She already knew it. He was going to drive her insane before fulfilling her naughty desires.

He was encouraged by the moans that escaped her mouth and just the simplest of kisses.

Her moans only became more hot and needy as he kissed down her belly, then her inner thigh, down one leg, up the neck.

"Donald! Please!" She begged.

He slowly kisses her way back up to her lips. "Whatcha want?" He asks between kisses, grinning.

"All of you, daddy." She dug her nails into his bare back, with her lip bit.

He wasted no time removing his belt, pants, and boxers.

"That was quick." She looked him up and down, this time licking her lips. "You know... I should be treating you today.... you're the one that got the liberty you deserved today."

"I would much rather spoil you. Now hush before we ruin it." He put his fingers to her lips.

"Yes, sir." She winks as she sucks on his finger, before quickly changing to groaning as she feels him enter her.

After over an hour of passionate love making, he had gotten up to get her a glass of wine, still without a shirt on.

She sat up in bed, wrapping the sheet around her still naked body. "Hey! Put a shirt on!" She grins.

"Why?! We're home alone!" He reminded her.

"Oh.... yeah... just.... don't go without a shirt for a few days." She bit her lip.

"God! You have to stop that freaking lip bite!" He informed her.

"Why?" She winks.

"Because it makes me want to do naughty things to you." He winks. "But what about my shirt?"

"It just looks like a tiger got ahold of your back." She purrs.

"Mmmhhhmmm. Lamb on the streets and a freak in the sheets." He laughed as he walked down the hall.

He came back with a glass of her favorite wine and handed it to her before crawling back in bed with her.

"Thank you for spoiling me." She kisses his cheek before sipping her wine. "I really don't deserve you."

"You deserve the world, baby." He kisses her head and snuggles into her.

"If only everyone knew how snuggly you can be." She grins, relaxing in his embrace.

"There's just some things you should just keep between the two of us." He winks.

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