Helping Her Out

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Melania loved being a mommy to her 4 year old son, Barron. As much as she loved it, it could be quite the chore.

She was always chasing a kid, there was always stuff to clean up, laundry was never ending, and she and Donald did not get to spend near as much time together as they once had, but that was okay. They loved their baby boy and it taught them to cherish what time they did have together.

Saturday nights were the worst when it came to putting Barron to bed. He knew his dad would be up later, they had spent the whole day together, and he just didn't want to leave him.

Melania wrestled Barron to bed almost every week night, so on the weekends, Donald tried to take care of that chore. While he did that, Melania always tried to tidy up the house so they could spend a few hours relaxing.

After putting Barron to bed, Donald walks into the kitchen and sees Melania standing at the sink washing a few dishes from the milkshakes she made her boys.

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "He's asleep." He whispered as he held her close to him, kissing on her cheek.

She sighs relief. "You're such a good Daddy."

"What can I do to be a good husband and help you out?" He asks seriously.

Her heart melts. How did she get so lucky? "Wanna dry these dishes then we can fold a load of laundry together and be done?"

"Sure thing, baby." He kisses her cheek and picks up a dish towel.

He dries the dishes and she puts them away. Not saying anything, but simply enjoying the fact that they are together without interruptions.

The dishes are all put away and she goes to get the laundry. "Just a second. I'm going to get the......" She's cut off as he grabs her arm.

"Slow down for a second, baby." He pulls her closer to him and wraps his arms around her, looking deeply into her eyes. "We need a minute."

She wraps her arms around the back of his neck and relaxes. "I'm sorry. It's just been a long day and I just want to relax."

"I understand, darling. I really do, but you're running yourself to death. Take a deep breath." He whispers gently.

She takes a deep breath and he feels her body relax in his arms.

"There we go. So much better." He smiles really big at her.

"I love your handsome smile." She whispers.

"I love absolutely everything about you." He coos at her.

"Can you kiss me? Please?" She asks.

"Of course I'll kiss you, babe." He leaves on hand on her back then puts the other hand on the side of her cheek. Leaning in and kissing her so slowly and tenderly.

She stands up on her tip toes, leaning completely into his lips.

After a long, passionate but loving kiss, he slowly pulls away.

"I love you so very much." He whispers as he steals a kiss on her lips once more.

She lays her head on his chest as his arms wrap around her waist again. Somehow they start gently swaying. The swaying then turns to romantic dancing.

He feels his chest get wet where her head is laying. "Are you okay?" He asks as he kisses her head.

She sniffles. "I just can't help, but to feel so blessed and loved. I never knew love like this before, babe."

And with that, he is gone. Completely melted. "Oh, baby."

She looks up at him with pure love in her eyes for him.

He kisses her tenderly. Then rests his forehead against her forehead. "You're my wife, mother to my son, my best friend, my lover, my supporter, my encouragement, my baby. You're gorgeous, incredibly smart, talented, the best mommy, and the most extraordinary heart. Melania Trump, you hold my heart in your hands. I love you so much."

By now, she's crying. Big, ugly tears. "I love you so much, baby." She mutters as she leans up to kiss him.

After their kiss, he gets a tissue and wipes her cheeks and nose. "There we go. No more tears. Now what about that laundry?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Let me go grab it." She kisses his cheek then disappears down the hall.

He sits on the couch waiting for her to come back.

She comes back and sits the basket down.

They start folding their laundry and laying the folded clothes on the coffee table.

Finally she breaks the silence. "Thank you for that."

"For what, baby?" He asks curiously.

"For helping me with the rest of the chores for one, but also for loving on me in the kitchen. I needed that." She looks up and smiles at him.

"My pleasure, darling." He says as he reaches in the basket for more clothes.

As he's folding his T-shirt, he feels something on the inside of it. So he pulls it out. When he pulls it out, he smiles mischievously. Her thong she had on the night before.

"Give me that!" She says, ripping it out of his hands.

"Oh, trust me. I already know all about that thong, baby." He winks recalling the night before.

"Shut up." She blushes.

"Your nice, tight butt wrapped around that small, lacy..."

"Donald John!" She interrupts his thoughts.

"Why you getting flustered or turned on?" He asks as he leans over to her.

"That's for me to know and you to never find out." She protests.

"Oh, but it is." He says as he leans her back on the couch and hovers over her.

"Mmmmmmm." She moans as he kisses her neck.

"You like that?" He asks.

"You know I do." She mutters. "Kiss me."

So he bends down and gives her the most passionate, toe curling kiss.

"You can take me to bed now." She says."

"It would be my high honor!" He smiles cheekily and wastes no time picking her up and walking towards their room.

"I love you." She whispers as she kisses his neck.

"Oh I love you more. And I'm fixing to show you how much I love you." He says as he kicks their bedroom door shut behind them.

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