Carribean Paradise

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Featuring a guest write for this chapter!


It was late evening and Donald and Melania arrived on their Caribbean property by plane. Barron and his grandparents were also part of the trip.

Barron age 5, was so excited to be on a plane- but fell asleep and Donald was carrying him down the plane stairs.

D: "Baby, where's Barron gonna sleep tonight?"

M: "My parents will take him tonight and he will be with them, Honey."

D: "That means we get to sleep in... and time for some mind blowing orgams" he whispered.

Melania giggled, "Baby I am all yours."

Donald smirks and slides his hand down her back and squeezed her butt. Melania loved it when he teases her like that.

Her love language is touch and words of affirmation.

All the suitcases are brought inside and Barron stays with his grandparents for the night.

B: "Good night Mommy and Daddy. I love you. I will miss you."

M: "Love you Barron, the love of my life. Tomorrow Mommy and Daddy will take you to the beach."

D: "Good night Son. Behave for your grandparents. Tell them I say thanks for babysitting you because Mommy and Daddy needs some...time..." Donald laughs.

After Barrons grandparents take Barron- Donald walks into their room, while Melania changes her clothes.

They just arrived to their room in the Caribbean, but he notices the fresh flowers already there, just like how Melania likes it.

He stands at the doorway and saying "Baby let's go for a walk on the beach, it is perfect, not too cold outside and it's moonlit. I know you will enjoy it."

Melania fixing her hair up says, "I'll be right out baby. I'll just change out of my travel clothes."

Donald waits and Melania walks down the stairs so gracefully. She is wearing a tight, short dress and her cleavage in full display.

M: "How do you like it Honey?" She smiles.

Donald is mesmerized  by how good she looks and her perfume. He says, "You are absolutely, stunning Darling. The dress hugs all your curves."

Donald holds out his hand and their fingers intertwine.  He kisses her hand. Donald twirls Melania around to see her dress.

Donald looks lovingly at Melania and he says, "Wow, You are so beautiful. You take my breath away. Your gorgeous smile, your scent, and the way you move- it turns me on.

M: "Thank you baby."
She leans into him, kisses him softly and he deepens the kiss.

His arms are wrapped tight around her waist.

D: "You are perfect Babe. "He takes her hand and their fingers intertwine. They walk toward the door hand in hand. Donald opens the door for his beautiful bride.

M: "Thank you, handsome. I love visiting the Caribbean, Donald. This home is gorgeous and the views are stunning. The island gives us the privacy we need."

D: "Baby, this is exactly why I want to take a walk with you at night on the beach so we can explore. The best part is no one can see us in the dark. Totally private"

They step outside and a gust of cold wind greet them as they walk hand in hand to the shore. The wind  blows Donald's hair and he pats it down quickly. Melania, cold from the wind, hooks her arm onto Donalds arm as they walk.

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