First Night

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Inaugural balls had ended and Donald and Melania were anxious for their first night in the White House as they pulled into the drive way.

"Welcome home, baby." Donald kissed her cheek as helped her out of their presidential limo.

"Thanks, darling." She smiled really big and took his hand.

They really hadn't had time to be in the Residence much. They had a few hours there that afternoon, but it was mainly spent preparing for the inaugural balls.

They walked in and was so happy to see their son settling in well, as he was cuddled up on the couch watching a movie and eating popcorn.

"Hey, bud. How's the new house?" Donald asked his son.

"I like it! They did a really good job setting up my room. Thanks, mom!" He gave her the biggest smile.

That smile warms her heart to the fullest. "You're welcome, buddy." She kissed his cheek.

She could kiss his cheek. She was Mom. So she could get by with it. Anyone else? He would put up a fight.

"Baby, lets go change our clothes into something more comfy before the older kids get here." He said as he rubbed her lower back.

"Sounds like a plan." She took his hand and they walked down the hall to their new room.

Once they got inside, he shut and locked the door to ensure they had privacy.

She was standing in there taking in their new room.

"You did a beautiful job decorating this, honey." He said as he walked around the room.

"Thank you. I tried to pick stuff I knew you would like." She stood in front of the mirror taking in the sight of her beautiful ball gown once more before taking it off.

He walks up behind her and rests his chin on her shoulder as he wraps his hands around her waist.

"You look beautiful. I'll never get over this. Never. You're simply stunning, babe." He whispered in awe.

"Thank you." She stared at their reflection in the mirror. "You know we are a beautiful couple." She reached her hand up and lovingly rested on the side of his face.

"Thank you for being my first lady. And I'm not talking about flotus. I'm taking about mine, Donald Trump's first lady."

She smiled and turned around in his arms. "Gosh. I love you." She leaned in and tenderly kissed him.

He smiled widely and relaxes, letting her do whatever she pleases.

She deepens the kiss. After kissing for several minutes, she pulls away. "We have company coming. It's too early in the night for this."

"I'm the President. They can wait." He winked.

"No, Mr. President. Because I want our first night to be memorable here." She smiled innocently.

"Oh?" He asked.

"Nice, slow, and loving." She smiled sweetly at him. "Unzip me. Just be careful. This dress is going to the Smithsonian." She turned around.

He slowly and gently unzipped her dress. "Nice thong!" He laughed.

"Shut up!" She teasingly rolled her eyes and put her dress on the hanger when he handed it to her.

She disappeared into the closet with her dress then came back wearing black leggings and a sweater.

"You're gorgeous." He smiled as he pulled a T-shirt over his head.

He went for a much more relaxed. T-shirt and pajama pants.

They kissed then walked out into the living room, hand in hand.

All the older kids, her parents, his sisters, and the grandkids where in the Residence and they both smiled widely.

"Look at the President and First Lady!" Don Jr. whistled, causing laugher to erupt out of the room.

Donald sat in the living room with the adults and Melania, like always, went to the kitchen to be with the kids.

They were all sitting around the island eating snacks and her heart filled with joy.

She loved spending time with the grandkids. Even though they weren't her's biologically, she loved them like her own. And they loved her.

They referred to her as M. Which she loved.

"M!!!!" The kids said excitedly as she walked into the room.

She kissed all the little heads and sat with them enjoying their company.

Before long, the Residence was quiet again. Most of the older kids where staying on the 3rd floor of the White House with their children and everyone else was staying at Trump International D. C.

Kai was the last one to go upstairs and go to bed. Leaving the new first family alone.

Barron was tired and headed off to bed. So Melania cuddled up in his side on the couch.

"I love our family." He kissed her head. "And I love how much they love you."

"I love them so much, baby. I got so lucky when I married you." She smiled.

"Let's go to our room. I have a surprise for you."

She was confused and followed him towards their room.

He shut and locked the door. "Come here." He said as he motioned towards the adjoining bathroom to their room.

She walked over so confused.

"I know you were upset because they couldn't install a tub. Well, I had the bathroom expanded and..........." he opened the door, revealing the tub she had been wanting.

"Baby!!" She was beyond excited.

"It's been a long day. Relax in your new tub, honey. I'm going to take a shower in the hall. You can find me in our bed. Don't rush." He kissed her gently then left her alone.

He was right. It had been a long day. And she was exhausted. Her body was achy from being in her heels so much and she couldn't wait to soak into that tub.

She undressed and slipped into the hot water.

He showered in the guest bathroom. Then laid down on his twitter while he waited.

She spent almost 2 hours in the tub, but when she walked out without a stitch of clothes on, he knew it was a worth the wait.

"Look at you!" He looked her up and down then winked.

"I think this bed needs broke in the proper way." She laid down on the bed and seductively did the "come here" motion.

He quickly hovered over her. "You're sexy!" He kissed her neck.

"I want you, Mr. President."

They took their time enjoying each other. Nothing rushed or intense. Just slow and romantic. Which is exactly how she liked it.

He pulled her to him. "Thank you." He whispered as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Thank you!" She smiled and leaves a small hickey on his neck.

"Naughty!" He laughed and smacked her butt.

"I love you." She sleepily whispers.

"I love you more. Go to sleep."

And with that, the new President and First Lady fell asleep enjoying their skin-to-skin.

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