Lets Cruise Baby!

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Donald and Melania were approaching their second anniversary and he wanted to make it extra special.

Their second year of marriage was spent adjusting to have a baby. Barron wasn't even a year old yet on their anniversary. So he knew he had to do something good.

He decided to book a cruise through the Carnival cruise line. She likes the ocean and being away. So he figured it was perfect.

He just didn't know how she would handle 5 days away from her baby boy. For the past 10 months, she had spent every waking second with him.

He got everything all planned out. Now to tell her.

He came home from working one evening and found his gorgeous wife in the nursery cuddling their nearly-10 month old baby.

"Hey, mommy." He smiled at the sight then walked over and kissed her gently then the baby's head.

"Welcome home, baby." She grinned up at him.

"How has my little guy been to day?" He asks taking the baby out of her arms.

"A little fussy. He's cutting another tooth. So he's been rather moody."

"Awwwww, Buddy." He held him close to his chest.

The baby snuggled in on his father's chest and slept peacefully.

"Baby, go take a nice hot bath, I'll call take out for dinner. I'll take care of the baby. Just go relax."

She was so relieved to hear those words. As much as she loved her baby, and loved being home all day with him, she was exhausted.

He took the baby out to the couch and laid down, laying the baby on his chest. While he was doing that, she soaked into a nice, hot bath.

After about an hour and a half of a bath, she came out and found both of her boys asleep on the couch. She stared at them in awe then went to get her phone out of the kitchen. As she entered the kitchen, she was greeted with the aroma of her favorite Italian take out.

She grabbed her phone and snapped a picture of them. She loved this guy with her whole heart. And she loved that he was in the mood to spoil her that night.

She kissed his cheek. "Baby, Let's eat while the baby is still asleep." She nudged him gently.

"I'll be right there." He muttered groggily.

She went to the dinning room and set out dishes and silverware for dinner. She also poured two glasses of their favorite wine.

While she was going that, he laid the baby down in his pack n' play that was set up in the living room. The living room that was once elegant and classy, but now was covered with baby toys and such. But he wouldn't change it for the world.

He came in and sat down beside her. "You look beautiful." She had her hair in a towel on her head, no make up, a T-shirt, and a pair of his pajama pants.

She beamed at him. "Thank you." She grabbed his hand and held it.

He always knew how to make her feel special and loved. He melted her heart every single day.

"I'm sorry Barron was such a pain today, honey." He was being honest. He did feel bad that she had such a bad day and he wasn't there to help.

"It's okay. It's part of being a mommy. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"I'll take over during the night. I want you to sleep tonight, darling."

She was so thankful for that. Quite frankly, she was extremely exhausted and he knew it.

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