We're Not Done... Trust Me

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Donald has been staying in New York for several weeks now due to his unfair trial, while Melania stays in Florida to wrap up Barron's Senior year.

Donald flies in for Barron's graduation. He walks in to find their home oddly silent.

He was expecting utter chaos as the hours were dwindling before the graduation ceremony.

He slowly wanders through the quiet house, with a bouquet of gorgeous roses.

He stumbles upon her, in the laundry room, ironing their son's gown for his graduation.

"There you are!" He murmurs as he slides his arms around her, flowers still in hand.

"Hi, honey." She whispers, leaning back against him. "I missed you." She smiles, as she leans back and quickly kisses his cheek.

"I missed you too." He taps her side, motioning for her to turn around so he can kiss her.

She turns around, already puckered and he smiles.

"Who said I was going to kiss you?!" He teases as he leans into her, taking her perfect lips between his own.

He kisses her for several seconds and she kisses him back, grinning as she slowly pulls away. "You better want to kiss me!!" She teases.

"I want to do more than kiss you... trust me." He smirks and kisses her again.

She moans softly against his lips. "Like what?" She teases again, only encouraging him.

He drops the flowers he's still holding onto the ironing board and swiftly picks her up.

She instantly wraps her legs around his waist, kissing him deeply.

He slowly pulls away from her lips, reluctantly. "Where's Barron?"

"Graduation rehearsal." She buries her face in his neck and sucks, causing the deepest groan to escape his throat.

"Oh my God! You can't do that!" He bites his lip.

"Oh... I think I can." She purrs and does it again, causing discoloration to immediately start to form on his neck.

His voice is deep and filled with pure desire for his bride. "I swear to God, Melania! I'm about to bend you over this washing machine......"

His sentence is interrupted as the front door opens quickly. "Mom! I'm home! Is Dad here yet?!"

"Dang it." Donald mumbles, trying to get himself back in line, as he quickly, but sweetly puts her back down on her feet.

"We're not done... trust me." She whispers and ever so slowly, runs her finger down his abdomen, with her lip bit.

"Mommmmmmmmmm! Where are you?!" Their son calls out, walking down the hall.

She clears her throat, trying to act like she wasn't just about to get her back blown out in the hottest encounter they've had in a while. "I'm ironing your gown!"

"Have you talked to....." Barron walks in. "Dad!"

"Yes, I've talked to Dad." Melania smiles.

"Oh, we've done more than talked." Donald smirks.

"Oh... God... gross!" Barron rolls his eyes.

Melania elbows Donald in the ribs and shakes her head, grinning.

"Anyways... I wanted to know when Dad was going to be home.. can we eat dinner soon? I'm starving!" Barron exasperates.

"You act like we never feed you." Melania picks the flowers up off the ironing board, not paying attention earlier because she was... "distracted."

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