Being Treated Like a Queen

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Donald and Melania had been married for a few months and they fully enjoyed married life.

Donald always knew when it was "her time of the month" because she was always so mopey.

On a Saturday morning, he woke up to find her moaning in pain and agony. He gently shakes her, "Baby, what's wrong?" He kisses her cheek.

"My stomach!" She grabs at her lower stomach. "It's cramping so bad!!"

"Are you okay?" He asks, concerned.

"It's probably my cycle." She rolls her eyes.

"Go take a hot bath, then we will cuddle all day." He softly kisses her lips. "Oh and good morning." He winks.

"You're suppose to be golfing today."

"But you are more important than golf. I wanna take care of you today." He slides his hand onto her lower stomach and rubs with his thumb.

"I love you so much!" She smiles and leans into his lips, kissing him.

She gets up and disappears into the bathroom conjoined to their room. As she gets up, he noticed blood on the sheets, but he doesn't say anything, not wanting to embarrass her.

He gets up and takes the bedding off the bed, carrying it down to the laundry.

He fumbles, looking around the cabinet, trying to figure out how to spot treat their bedding. "Donald.. you should have listened to your mom when she tried to teach you how to do laundry.." he mumbles to himself.

He finally found some stain remover and sprayed the sheets, tossing them into the washer.

He goes back up to their bathroom, knocking on the door. "Babe? Can I come in?"

"Yes." She answers from the tub.

He opens the door, slowly. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?" He squats by the tub.

"The hot water helps. You really don't have to stay here and baby me. I'll be okay. Go golf with your friends." She reaches up, rubbing his cheek with her thumb.

"I'm your husband. I'm taking care of you. End of conversation. Don't bring it up again." He leans in, kissing her lips.

"You're the sweetest, baby." She kisses him again.

"I'll be back.." he stands up and disappears with her towel and clean pajamas. "Just holler when you want them."

He jogs down the stairs, putting her stuff in the dryer so it's warm when she wants them.

He made her favorite breakfast, a green smoothie and oatmeal with butter and brown sugar. He put it on a tray and carried it to her tub.

"I got you breakfast, sweetheart." He grinned. "You need to eat before you take any pain medicine."

"Oh, you are the sweetest!" She gushed, as he sits the tray down so she can eat in the hot water.

She finishes her breakfast. "I'm ready to get out, baby."

"I'll be right back!" He runs down the stairs and brings her warm towel and pajamas up to her. "Here you go, baby. I'll leave you alone to get dressed." He kisses her head.

As she gets dressed, she calls for him. "Babe... can you come here for a minute?"

He walks in and she's partially dressed. "Whatcha need, honey?"

"This is so embarrassing." She blushes.

"We're married. We've been together for 7 years. Nothing is embarrassing." He cups her face. "What do you need?"

She relaxes. "I'm out of feminine products. If I show you want they look like, can you go pick some up? If you don't want to, I'll call my mom."

"You're absolutely not calling your mom. Tell me whatcha need." He kisses her head.

She sends him with a list and he leaves for the store.

About a half hour later, he comes back with the things on her list, her favorite flowers, and all her favorite snacks.

"Babe, I'm home." He smiles as he walks in and she's cuddled up on the couch.

"I sent you to the store for 2 things, Donald John!" She giggles and follows him to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna spoil you today, princess!" He starts pulling chocolate, ice cream, and all her favorite snacks out of the bag.

"Baby!!!" She squeals, giving him the best kiss. "I don't deserve you."

"Are you feeling better?" He rubs her back.

"I feel better. You've taken good care of me." She kisses his cheek. "Go golf! I'll be okay now. I promise."

He puts his finger to her lips, shhhhhing her. "We're not talking about this. I'm taking care of you today." He puts the groceries away and takes her hand. "Come with me."

She follows him, "where are we going?"

"To cuddle. All day. And eat junk food. And watch all your favorite movies."

"Who are you and what did you do with my brash husband?!" She winks.

"I'm not brash with you. At least I try not to be. If I have been, I'm sorry. I mean it." He rubs her hand with his thumb.

"Babe, I was kidding. You've treated me like a queen from day one."

She plops on the couch, as he throws a blanket on her, cuddling up with her, spending the whole day, cuddled up with the love of his life. 

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