I Look Beautiful!

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Since everyone has been so patient and understanding, I have decided to publish a story early! I hope you enjoy it!!😘

Melania was pregnant with Barron and she was afraid to go out. They hadn't formally announced her pregnancy because they were just comfortable enjoying their secret together. Since Melania is so petite, she quickly showed her baby belly. So she couldn't go out in public after about week 10.

Donald was always thrilled to come home and see his gorgeous wife carrying their baby in her belly. "Look at my gorgeous baby momma!" Donald whistles as he walks in and sees her laying on the couch.

"Hey, baby." She smiles.

He leans down and kisses her lips gently and rubs her belly. "I love you two." He smiles.

"Guess what?" She smiles watching him take off his tie and untie his shoes.

"What are you smiling at?" He asks, grinning.

"You." She admits, being caught.

"What am I guessing?" He asks, sitting on the end of the couch and picking up her feet, massaging them.

She smiles so big at his kindness and love for her and their baby. "I felt your baby move today." She beams with pride.

"You did?!?!" He asks excitedly.

"I did. Right after you left for work this morning." She beams.

He bends down to her belly. "Did you move for mommy today, baby girl?"

"Baby girl? What are you going to do if its not a girl?" She asks.

"Ummmmm. Enjoy my baby boy just like I would if it was a girl.

"Good answer. Thank you for massaging my very swollen feet." She tells him.

"Babe, when are you ready to make the big announcement?" He kisses the bottom of her foot.

"I really hadn't thought about it. I mean we told both of our families. So its just when you're ready. Why do you ask?"

"Because I haven't taken you out in a long time. Basically since we found out you're pregnant. I want a date night." He rubs up her leg.

Her heart instantly melts at his gesture. "How about we announce the day after my 12 week appointment? That way we'll know everything is healthy and I'll think of date night at home for tomorrow."

She spent the whole next day trying to think of a date night idea.

He came home excited to see her. "Baby, where are you?"

"I'm in the bedroom." She calls out.

He whistles. "I already like how this date night is looking."

"You wish, Donald John!" She laughs. She was laying across the bed reading a book about child birth. Which made him laugh, she hadn't stopped reading about babies and labor and delivery since she found out she was pregnant.

Just like any other day, he rubs her belly and kisses her. "I like this look. No makeup. No done hair. I love this."

"That's because......" She sits up and wraps her arms around the back of his neck and kisses him. "I have an idea. Change into something comfortable."

He changes into a t-shirt and a pair of Mickey Mouse pajama pants she had bought him. She laughs every time he wears them. "So sexy, baby daddy." She laughs.

"You're the one that bought them, Mrs. Trump." He laughs. "So, what are we doing for this date night?"

"Well, since you want a baby girl so bad, I figure it will be good for you to get some practice." She bites her lip.

"Oh, boy this already sounds interesting. What are we doing?" He asks nervously.

"I want you to do my hair and makeup."

He literally laughs. "You're funny."

"I'm being dead serious, Babe." She looks at him seriously.

"Anything for you, my love." He leans over and kisses her slowly.

First he started on her makeup.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Your makeup?"

"Do my hair first."

"Yes, bossy!" He chuckles and picks up the curling iron.

"Do you even watch me get ready?!" She laughs.

"No, I stare at your butt and boobs the whole time. Why?" He admits.

"Okay, cheeky. Plug the curling iron in, then while that is warming up, brush and part my hair."

After a long time of that and a couple burns on her arms, neck, and ears and her laughing plenty at his innocence on hair, he finally finishes her hair.

He gets in her makeup bag. "What the heck is this?!" He asks as he twirls are her eyeliner.

"Its eyeliner, goof!"

"I just care about your lips because I don't want red lips every time I freakin kiss you!" He starts putting stuff on her face.

This time, she just him do it his own way.

An hour later, he was done and he immediately started laughing looking at his handiwork.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks as she turns around and looks in the mirror.

"You look like a freakin clown!" He laughs.

"No I don't. It looks beautiful. I'm surprised my makeup looks so well. I would never walk out of the house like this, but for your first time, you did a good job." She leans over and kisses him slowly. "Now my hair? We need to work on that." She laughs.

"I'm surprised. That was actually fun. Thank you for letting me ruin your face." He kisses her several times. "Now can I take you to bed and end this fun date right?"

"Please do, sexy makeup artist." She slowly licks his neck.

After that, he wastes no time picking her up, laying her on the bed, and undressing her.

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