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Donald and Melania enjoy Presidential life......most of the time.

But it's days like this when Presidential life isn't their favorite.

He has to travel away from home and stay the night. It's hard on him because he is going through so much concerning someone in his team stabbing him behind his back. He really just needs his baby.

It was a very emotional goodbye before he left. A lot of tears and kisses-and he never cries.

He leaves and she decides she just can't do that.

He arrives and does everything he's suppose to do for the day. Then the dreaded part. Going to his hotel room where it's completely alone and quiet.

He gets in and takes a shower.

Laying across his bed, he decides to text her.

Donald- Baby?

Melania- Yes, honey?

Donald- I miss you so much.😭

Melania- I miss you too, honey. Before you know it, you'll be home. Just don't think about me.

Donald- I can't not think about you, Melania. It's not that easy. I'm so tired. And it's so lonely. I so wish you could've come with me.

At this point, Melania is smiling to herself. Because little does he know.....she's on a plane to see him, but she wants to surprise him.

Melania- I know, baby, but I couldn't leave Barron.

Donald- You're such a good momma!❤️

Melania- Thanks, baby.😘 How did your day go?

Donald- It went okay. Everyone is talking abut this op-ed. Which is okay. It's just it makes me sick.

Melania- I know. I'm sorry you're going through this. Quit talking about it to the press. The longer you talk about it, the longer they will talk about it.

Donald- This is why I need you.

Melania- It's okay. Just breathe, babe.😘

He quits texting her.

One of her Secret Service agents peek their head into her cabin on the plane. "Mrs. Trump, we are landing soon."

"Thank you!"

She is giddily excited. They haven't been together all day and she's missed him so much. And she knows he is missing her just as equally.

On her drive to his hotel, she texts him.

Melania- Whatcha doing, honey?😍

Donald- Staring at the ceiling wishing you were beside me.

"Yes!" Melania whispers to herself.

She gets to his hotel and the front desk finally gives her a room key after much fighting.

And she's off to his suite.

She slides the key in the door and takes her heels off so they don't click against the floor.

She walks over to his room and sure enough. He's laying on his bed with his back to her, just watching the rain run down the window seal.

She tiptoes over to the bed and lays down where he can't see her.

She lays down and leans over and kisses his cheek. "I love you."

He jumps completely startled. And he's afraid to look and see who it is.

So he slowly turns his head to look and is ever so relieved to see her face. "BABY!" He jumps up and wraps his arms around her.

"Surprise!" She rubs his back as he has her wrapped in a warm embrace.

"You came all this way to see me?!"

"I did. I missed you. And I know you're stressed, Mr. Stresshead. So I didn't want you to be alone."

"God you're good!" He leans in and captures her lips in his own. "I love you so much, baby!"

"You don't mind that I'm crashing your me time?" She asks being genuine.

"Of course not! You can come crash my me time whenever you want." He says kissing her again.

"Is it okay if I shower real quick? I am nasty from flying."

"Of course you can. It's just over there." He points towards the bathroom attached to his room. "I was suppose to be alone tonight. So don't nag because my dirty laundry is on the floor and my tooth brush is laying on the counter."

She can't help but laugh. "I won't, baby." She kisses him then she's off to shower.

15 minutes later she comes out with no make up, her hair wrapped up in a towel, and her robe on.

This is his favorite way to see her. Because very few people see her like this and it's special to him.

"Come cuddle with me!" He whines from the bed as soon as she emerges from the bathroom.

"Hold up, Mr. Impatient! I do take care of my dirty clothes." She laughs and puts everything back in her suitcase.

He smiles as he sees her crawl into bed. "I love this."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just us. No one is around. No Barron. No press. Just POTUS & FLOTUS and their unending love." He kisses her cheek.

"Lay on your stomach." She requests.

"Okay. That's weird. But whatever you want." He turns over and lays on his stomach.

"Now just relax." She sits on his butt.

"What are you doing to me?!"

"I'm going to de-stress you. Now relax!"

He takes a deep breath and relaxes, trusting her.

She begins to massage at his lower back and works her way up to his neck. Rubbing and leaving random kisses as she goes.

He takes a deep breath and just relaxes, but gosh. He can't help it. She's turning him on, but he's too afraid to tell her.

"Baby, you're so tense. What is your deal?"

"Nothing. It's just the stress of everything." He admits.

"Well, I don't like it." She spends a good hour rubbing out knots in his back and neck.


"Yes, Donald John?"

His heart flutters when she calls him that. Because she's the only person that calls him Donald John. "I love you."

"I love you too. Turn over."

He listens and turns over.

They kiss for a long time.

He looks up at her in awe. "I don't deserve you. Thank you for coming to surprise me."

"It was my pleasure. I love surprising you. But I'm not done."

"What do you mean?" He asks curiously.

She winks and then disappears under the blanket.

"Oh. My. God. Yes, baby!"

With a mischievous smile, she gives him what he's been wanting all along.

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