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Melania walks out of the bathroom, sporting her festive navy skinny jeans, white T-shirt, and red sneakers with a headband with the flag in her hair.

"Wow, babe! You look hot!" Donald whistles from across the room, as he slides an Old Navy shirt over Barron's head.

"Mommy is hot!" The 3 year old mocks his dad, causing them both to laugh.

"You boys are cheeky today." She runs her fingers through the boys curls and then kisses Donald's lips softly.

They walk out across their bedminster lawn to watch fireworks, hand in hand, with Barron holding his daddy's hand.

"Daddy, can I have ice cream?!" Barron asks, as he sees Kia with an ice cream cone.

"Sure. Go ask Don nicely." The boy runs off, leaving them alone on their picnic blanket under the stars.

"I haven't been alone with you all day." He whispers against her lips, causing her to smile. "And it's dark out."

"Don't get me all worked up." She bites her lip.

"What if I wanna get you all worked up?" He winks.

"Shut up and kiss me." She giggles.

He lays her back on the picnic blanket, kissing her passionately....... until they are interrupted.

"Mommy!!! Look!!! I got chocolate and vanilla!!!" Barron calls out, running over to them.

They both quickly sit up, out of breath. "Wow, buddy! You better eat it before he melts." She kisses his head.

Donald leans over and whispers in her ear. "I'll make it up later. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." She winks.

"Oh. If it involves you naked, you better believe I'll keep every single one of my promises." He kisses behind her ear.

As the fireworks began to shoot off into the sky, Donald stands up in front of her, holding Barron, as their boy watches in awe.

Melania's heart melts watching the two of them, knowing how extremely lucky she is to have her two boys.

Donald sits back down beside her, Barron settling on daddy's lap.

She looks over. "You're the best daddy." She smiles.

He leans over and softly kisses her. "I love you." They share another kiss and sit back to enjoy the grand finale.

As several shoot into the air at one time, he leans over and whispers, "that's what you're going to fill like when I'm done with you in a little bit."

"Oh. My. God. Donald John Trump!" She bites her lip.

The show is over and they get up and walk back to their residence.

Donald gives Barron a bath and puts him to bed as she cleans up messes from their busy day.

He walks in, wrapping his arms around her from behind as she washes dishes. "Whatcha doing, babe?"

"Cleaning up messes." She turns in his arms. "Did bubby go to sleep?" She wraps her arms around the back of his neck.

"Out like a light." He smiles so big, taking in how beautiful this woman truly is.

"You're the best daddy." She puckers, wanting a kiss.

He's beyond happy to indulge, leaning in and kissing her deeply, causing a moan to escape her throat.

He pulls back a little. "Was that a moan I heard?"

She whispers, "I think you have some obligations in the bedroom, remember?"

"I didn't forget. Trust me." He picks her up as she wraps her legs around his waist.

He locks the door and tosses her on the bed, wasting no time hovering over her. "God, baby, you haven't had a bra on all day and it's about drove me insane!" He pulls her shirt over her head and throws it on the floor.

"You're right." She winks as she pulls his belt off.

"I'm gonna make you explode." He kisses all over her chest, making her moan.

"Make me explode for you." She winks, pulling the rest of her clothes off for him and pulling the blankets over them as he lowers himself onto her on the bed.

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