A Christmas Miracle

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Sorry for another Christmas one, but who doesn't like Christmas in July?!😍

Donald and Melania had been married for almost 2 years and they were beyond ready to have a baby, but it didn't just seem to be happening. They tried everything and it wasn't working.

Melania was so tired of taking pregnancy test and them being negative or getting her hopes up just to be disappointed.

He came home early one evening and she was laying on their bed with the lights off, sobbing. He immediately rushed over and wrapped his arms around her. "Baby, what is wrong?" He asked, so worried about her.

"I just want to be a Mom, baby, but it just isn't happening." She mutters, heartbroken.

"It will happen, baby. I promise. Have you taken a test lately?" He kisses her head as he holds her close to his chest.

"I took one today...." She sobs.

"I'm so sorry, honey." He hated that he didn't know how to comfort her. "Maybe we should see your....."

She cut him off before he could even finish. "No, I'm not ready to go there."

"Okay, baby. Whatever you want, my love." He held her close for hours, not letting go of her as she sobbed.

She finally got up and took a long bath and while she was gone, he ordered their favorite meal from the restaurant in Trump Tower.

She came out of her bathroom, and she could smell the delicious smell coming from the dinning room and she followed the scent, finding him standing in the dining room, lighting candles.

"Baby.... what is this?" She asks, looking around the room.

"Surprise... I took care of dinner so you can rest for tonight." He smiles.

She wraps her arms around his waist. "I don't deserve you. I love you so much."

He leans into her lips, kissing her so long and slow. "Let's not try tonight.. lets take a night off and cuddle and watch movies or something."

"That sounds heavenly. Don't take this the wrong way, but sex isn't very fun when you're trying to get pregnant and can't."

He rubs her cheek with his thumb. "Oh, baby, I know. Hopefully one day soon."

They eat, not saying much, but his hand never leaves the grasp of her hand, just trying to comfort her.

Several months go by and they quit trying to get pregnant, but they weren't preventing it either. They had the mind set that it would happen whenever it happened.

It was the week of Christmas and she looked at the date and noticed her cycle was a few days late, but she was really trying to not get too hopeful. She just thought it was the stress and busyness of the season.

The more she thought about it, she realized she had been feeling pretty crappy the past few weeks and she was abnormally sleepy, but she had just chopped that up to stress as well.

She hadn't taken a pregnancy test in several months and she didn't even know if she still had any in her bathroom cabinet.

She dug through all her stuff until she finally found one buried under some random stuff she had in a drawer.

"God...please....." She whispered to herself as she took the test.

She left the test on the counter and went and laid across their bed, waiting for the 5 minutes to pass. Which in her mind seemed like an eternity of waiting.

She finally walked into the bathroom and picked up the test, holding her breath. When she turned it over and it read "Pregnant" she instantly started sobbing, so relieved.

She absolutely could not wait to share the exciting news with her baby daddy, but she wanted to make it special.

So, she kept this big secret to herself for several days, until Christmas Eve.

They were getting ready for a dinner with his family and her parents at Maralago and he could tell there was something wrong with her, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "Babe, what is wrong? You're acting weird." He wraps his arms around her from behind, kissing her cheek.

"Well, I was going to give this to you later, but I'll just give it to you now." She reached into her suitcase, pulling out a perfectly wrapped little package."

He takes it from her. "Babe, you didn't have to do this.. I feel bad.. I haven't even wrapped your stuff yet... I have nothing to give you."

"Just open it, Donald." She giggles.

He takes the bow off and slowly pulls the paper off. Inside the tiny box, there sits a little green and red pacifier with a note that read: "Next Christmas Mommy and Daddy will just want sleep for Christmas."

He looks up her, his mouth agape. "Babe, are you...." She shakes her head yes over and over, trying not to cry.

He picks her up under her bum, lifts her in the air, causing her to giggle. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!'

She grins, seeing him so excited. "But you can't tell anyone. I haven't been to the doctor yet, I just found out a few days ago." She reaches into her bag, handing him the positive test.

He kneels on the ground, holding the test, and kissing her still flat belly over and over again.

"You are the sweetest, babe." She smiles. "That is part of my problem. I have been extremely sick today."

He kisses her long and slow. "Don't worry, sweetie, from here on out, I'm taking care of you and our little one like my life depends on it."

She wraps her arms around the back of his neck. "I can't wait to start this journey with you."

He kisses her slowly. "You are going to make the most fantastic Mommy, Mrs. Trump." He smiles against her lips as she kisses him.

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