Will You Be My.....

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Donald and Melania were so extremely busy getting ready for his upcoming Inauguration. It was 5 days away and the amount of work to do was insane.

Donald wanted to do something extra special for Melania before they moved.

He came home from his office and she was packing up their bedroom. "I want to take you to dinner tonight."

"I don't have time for that. Do you know how much I have to get done?" She said without looking up.

"I told you, we could pay someone to come do this. Why don't you let me pay someone? I want you to enjoy your last few days in New York." He rubs her back.

"You really want a stranger packing up your underwear and my lingerie?" She asks, giving him the look.

"Ummm. Not really." He admits.

"There's still so much to do!" She complains.

"What if I kick Barron out and we have a dinner here? I want to do something special before we move to D.C." He kisses her cheek.

Her heart melts. "I like that idea, baby. I'm sorry for being so snappy. I'm just a little stressed out."

"It's okay. I know it's a lot." He kisses her gently.

"Let me pack. And I'll be down for dinner at 6:30?" She asks.

"Sounds amazing. Don't come down early." He winks.

He gave her a long, slow kiss then it was off to set things up for him.

He didn't want to sit at the big table. So he sat up a table and 2 chairs in the living room over looking the New York skyline.

He put a black table cloth on the table, rose pedals all over the table and floor, and several tall, white candles in the center of the table.

He also put candles all over the living room and dimmed the lights.

He ordered her favorite takeout and put it on a plate for her. Then it was time to get her.

"Baby, its ready." He calls from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming." She rounds the corner in a different dress and it almost takes his breath away.

She's wearing a gorgeous, red dress that hugged her curves and showed some cleavage, yet it was so classy and elegant.

"You look stunning, babe." He admires as she reaches the bottom of the stairs.

She leans in and kisses him gently. "Thank you."

"Dinner is in the living room tonight." He holds her hand.

She looks confused. "Why dinner in the living room, baby?" She asks.

"Because I want you to feel special." He kisses her head.

They walk around the corner and she instantly stops and takes a deep breath. "Is this for us?" She gasps.

"Of course it is, baby girl." He walks over to the table and pulls out a chair for her.

She sat down and even though she did not want to admit it, she felt so emotional. He always made her feel so special and loved. "Thank you so much for this, baby. I needed this."

He reaches across the table and grabs her hand, rubbing the surface of her smooth, silky skin of her hand with his thumb. "Anything for you, my darling."

"Where's Barron?" She asks.

"He is up in his room. I fed him and he promised not to leave so we have some privacy. I told him he could go to Ivanka's, but he wanted to stay here. And I understand that." He smiles up at her.

"You really are an amazing father. There's no other man I would want to be my baby daddy. Although he's not a baby anymore." She looks out the window, reflecting back on times when life was so much simpler.

"He'll always be our baby. You better eat before it gets old."

"I will, baby." She wrapped her pasta around her fork with her dominant hand, her right, and held his hand with her left. "Remember bringing Barron home from the hospital?"

He instantly smiles, remembering. "I do. Remember that hot, August day when I came home from work and you told me I was going to be a daddy again?"

"I do. That was the longest day ever. I could not wait to tell you." She smiles as she eats her pasta.

They continued to eat, reflecting on their lives before politics.

They finished and he takes her plates away. He comes back with her favorite dessert, a crème brûlée with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries on top. "For my lady."

"Baby, this is my favorite!" She exclaims.

"I know it is." He smiles and fits down with one for himself without fruit.

"Where's your fruit, baby?" She teases.

"I let Barron eat that nasty, seedy stuff." He made a disgusted face.

She laughs. "Fruit is good for you, silly man." She continues to laugh.

"Someone is in a cheeky mood." He giggles. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

She clears her throat and sits up. "Is everything okay, honey?"

"Of course it is, baby." He reaches over and takes her hand again. "I just wanted to thank you for the sacrifice you're making, along with Barron, so that I can fulfil my dream to be President. I understand it's not easy being a politician's wife. There's a lot of stress and pressure that you're put under. The scrutiny that you endure breaks my heart. But always know that I care about you. I will be your biggest supporter from day 1 until we are citizens again. I promise to love you and cherish you on the hardest days. You will always be my baby girl." He looks deep into her eyes, so in love with her.

She was in tears. Big, ugly tears. "Donald John! That is the most beautiful thing you've ever said to me. I will always support you, honey. I'm your biggest fan, baby."

"I have a question for you." He tells her, somewhat nervously, which he doesn't understand why.

"Sure, baby. You know you can ask me anything."

He stands up and grabs a box with a bow on it. He gets down on one knee and holds her hand. "Melania Trump, will you do me the honors and be my First Lady?" He opens the box, revealing my a beautiful pair of baby blue Louboutin high heels.

She was in tears and shocked. "Baby! Of course I would! I want to be your First Lady! ANDDDDDDDD! THOSE ARE THE SHOES I WANTED FOR MY INAUGURAL OUTFIT!" She cups his face and gives him the best kiss he'd received in a long time.

He was so happy to see her so happy. He stands up and wraps his arms around her. "I love you so much." He kisses her head.

"How did you get those shoes? First off, they've been sold out for months. And secondly, you don't even know what I'm wearing." She exclaims excitedly.

"Well, I have tricks up my sleeve. And no baby, I still don't know what you're wearing, but I can't wait to see. I know you'll be beautiful." He kisses her gently.

"That was the most romantic thing you've ever done for me." She kisses him again, deeply.

He smiles and leans in. "You're one dang good kisser." He smiles.

"I can't wait to be your First Lady, Mr. President-elect." She grins from ear-to-ear.

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