Hot Momma!

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Melania's career as a model was put on the back burner when she found out she was pregnant with her first child.

She just wanted to enjoy her pregnancy and not worry about keeping a figure. Donald agreed 100% with this.

After the baby was born, she decided she wanted to wait a little while longer why she recovered and she just wanted to enjoy her baby boy.

Barron was about 7 months old and Melania decided she was ready to start modeling again. Not much, but a little bit.

She had an in-home photo shot. She purposely scheduled it while Barron was napping and Donald was working.

Donald was missing his wife and son, so he decided he wanted to come home early.

He walked in and was greeted by tons of people standing around to do her pictures, make up, and hair.

He walked into the living room and was taken back when he saw her sitting on the edge of the fountain in their living room.

"One hot momma!" He announced as he walked over to her.

He bent down and kissed her gently. He could tell something was wrong. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm stressed." She whispered.

"Baby, you're so good at modeling. Why are you stressed?" He rubs her hand.

"Barron is screaming his head off. I feel so bad. I feel like a terrible mother. He's suppose to be napping, but he's screaming. And they won't let me leave."

"Let me take care of him. I love you. Relax and enjoy it." He kisses her and disappears upstairs.

He walks into the bedroom and flipped the light on in the nursery to find an empty crib. "Bubby, where are you?"

He walks into their bedroom and finds Barron on their bed wailing.

He picks the baby up and pats his butt and makes up a bottle.

He enjoys have the one-on-one time with their son. Melania was busy and he just enjoyed being in Daddy mode.

Hours later, Melania comes upstairs and sees Donald laying on their bed watching the news and the baby asleep on his chest.

"Look at my handsome guys." She smiles and walks over and kisses Barron's head and Donald's lips.

"Hey, mommy!" Donald smiles at her.

"You're such a good Daddy."

"Go shower so we can cuddle." He tells her, just wanting to be with her.

She showers and comes out in a pair of sweat pants and his T-shirt. "Let me take bubby to bed."

"No. I want you to leave him. I just want to cuddle as a family." He whispers as he kisses the sleeping baby's head.

She can't argue with that. So she slides into their bed beside him and curls up in his side, then rests her hand on Barron's back.

"How did your first day of modeling go since the baby came?"

"It was okay. I missed my baby boy though. He was downstairs some of the time, but he was fussy, so I brought him up here and laid him down. I guess his belly hurt."

"He was hungry. I gave him a bottle then he cuddled up and was content."

"Awwww, baby." She kisses his cheek.

"I'm so in love with the two of you." He mumbles as she kisses his lips.

"I'm so lucky you're the father to my baby."

"I love being your baby daddy." He winks.

"Let's watch a movie."

"What? Friday the Thirteenth?"

"Absolutely not!" She expresses dramatically.

"What about Me Before You?" She asks.

"If that's what you want. Anything you want, baby." He kisses her head.

She puts it on and they cuddle up together, holding their baby and enjoying the moment.

Sorry it's short. I'm running out of ideas.😩🙄

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