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Donald and Melania had been separated all day and they were both hating it. Majorly.

Donald had to work late into the night. It was past time for bed.

She decided to take a shower and just go to bed because she knew it was going to be so late.

He decided to surprise her and come home early.

He walked in. "Baby, I'm home!"

She hears him and smiles to herself. "I'm in the shower."

He walks to Barron's room and finds it empty. "Are we home alone?" He whispers to himself.

He walks in the bathroom. "Baby, where's Barron?"

"He asked if he could stay with some of his friends. So I let him."

"Oh, okay." He smirks to himself. She's in the shower. And they are home alone.

He quietly undress and opens the shower curtain.

"Excuse me. What are you doing?" She giggles to herself.

"I plan on enjoying being home alone to the fullest." He steps in and wraps his arms around her, kissing her neck.

"I missed you today." She whispers as he kisses her neck.

"I missed you too. So much." His hands run over her body causing a moan to escape from her lips.

"You look handsome, baby." She whispers as she bites her lip.

"You look HOT! Not to mention the steam makes this even hotter." He puts a lot of her soap on his hands and lathers it up.

He begins to run his hands all over her body, leaving bubbles everywhere.

As he works his way further down her body he starts leaving kisses all over her. On her stomach, on her legs, and on the side of her thighs.

As he kisses her thighs, she runs her fingers through his hair and puts her head back. "Mmmmmmmm, baby!"

"You like that, you sexy baby." He kisses closer up her thighs.

After their romantic shower, love making scene, she can barely walk.

So he dries her off and carries her to bed.

"Don't you think we outta get dressed. At least put underwear on?" She asks.

"Nah. We are home alone. We could use some skin-to-skin."

"You're right." She smiles and cuddles up into his side. "You know. You've kissed all over my body, but you have yet to kiss my lips."

"I know. I'm sorry." He leans in and captures her lips in his and kisses her long and slow.

"I'm tired now." She giggles giddily.

"Me too. Let's sleep, baby."

They fall asleep in each other's arms still completely naked.

Hours later, Donald had a rather sexy dream about her.

He couldn't help it. It was 4 am and he could not get his hands off her.

She was awaken my the feeling of his hands all over her. "Did someone have a sexy dream?" She asks as she leaves a hickey on his bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry, baby. I could not help it. I'm so turned."

She instantly snaps out of her sleepy slumber.
"I want you so bad, baby."

He leaves kisses and hickeys all over her body. He just can't help it.

She rolls them over so she's on top.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Taking care of you." She disappeared under the blankets and began working her magic.

After she was doing taking care of him, she crawled back up on the bed and kissed his lips. "I love you."

"My turn." He licks his lips and rolls over so he's in control.

He kissed down her neck, down her stomach, up and down her thighs, then it was his turn to work magic.

After he came back up crawling up the sheets, she was arched back, her head back, and her eyes closed trying to catch her breath.

By this time he was aroused again and wanting more. "Wanna have another baby?" He winks and kisses her neck.

"I would love another baby, but I think we are too old for that." She laughs.

They laid in bed doing nothing but making love until she looked out the window and saw the sun was coming up.

"Do you know we've been at it for 3 hours?" She asks, giggles.

"Best three hours of my life." He says kissing her lips passionately and tenderly.

"Thank you, baby." She says sincerely.

She gets up and opens the curtains.

"What are you doing?!" He asks.

"I want to watch the sun rise." She says matter-of-factly as she cuddles back up with him.

"I love you." He says wrapping his arms around her and kissing her head.

"I love you too." She kisses his chest.

They stay cuddle and watch the sun rise, kissing and loving each other.

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