Daddy Duty

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Donald came home in a mood. A mood for Melania. He was hoping they would be home alone.

She was upstairs washing laundry when she heard him come in.

"Welcome home, baby." She called out from the laundry room.

"Where are you?" He asked as he looked through the kitchen and living room.

"I'm in the laundry room." She called out.

When he walked around the corner, she was bent over picking up a sock she dropped.

"God you look sexy with that butt in the air!" He called out as he smacked her butt.

"Hey now! I'm pretty sure that's mine!"

"I don't care. We're married. What's mine is yours. What's yours is mine." He starts kissing all over her neck.

"That is true." She wraps her arms around him.

He bends down and captures her lips in his own. "Are we home alone?" He asks as he pulls her shirt off.

"We are." She bites her lip as he starts unbuttoning her pants.

"No panties. Look at you!"

He wastes no time sitting her up on the washer and kissing down her body causing her to moan loudly.

She starts unbuttoning his shirt as he kisses all over body.

As soon as she gets his shirt off, she starts fiddling with his belt.

He picks her up off the washer. "We've got to go somewhere. I'm about to lose it."

"Mmmmmmm babe!" She mutters, digging her nails in his back.

"I can't handle it anymore!" He lays her down on the kitchen table and enters her.

They are moaning, groaning, and sweating, almost finished.....then their interrupted.

"What the?! What are you doing?!" Their teenage asks from the kitchen.

He was not suppose to be home for several more hours and they were shocked. They had left all their clothes in the laundry room.

"Turn around!" The embarrassed dad calls out

The teen turns around and walks out and Melania scrambles off the table into the bedroom. He falls behind right after her.

"What are we going to do?!" She asks her husband.

"I don't know!" He still looks all blushed and embarrassed.

"Have you had 'the talk' with him?" She asks sincerely.

"No, I didn't feel like he was ready."

"Welp. I think he is now. Daddy duty." She winks and pats his back.

"Gee. Thanks, baby." He rolls his eyes.

"You're his Daddy. If he was a girl, I would do it, but he's not. It'll be fine." She kisses his cheek to reassure him.

"Maybe I should give you a girl so you have to do this." He mutters as he kisses her neck.

"Don't tempt me." She pushes him away. "Go talk to Barron."

He kisses her gently then walks out.

He knocks on Barron's door.

"It's open." Barron answers.

"We need to talk, son. It's about time I tell you somethings about being a man."

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