Christmas Spirit

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Melania had spent months decorating for Christmas. Christmas at the White House was magical. She wanted to make it magical for everyone else to enjoy, just like her family enjoyed it.

After arriving home from Thanksgiving vacation, she took a walk through of the decorated White House. She was thoroughly impressed with the work done by the volunteers and staff.

She was impressed....until the next morning.

The public hated her cranberry trees. She was being ripped to shreds on social media and the press and it killed her. All that hard work for nothing.

He got home that night, knowing she was going to be upset. "Babe, I'm home. I have roses and open arms." He smiles as he walks into the living room, kissing her head.

"Hey, handsome." She smiles up at him, even though she's upset. "Thank you for the flowers."

"My pleasure." He kisses her slowly. "I thought you and Barron were going to decorate up here for Christmas tonight? There's not one decoration up."

"I don't think I'm going to decorate up here. There's enough downstairs."

"Barron isn't going to be happy about that." Donald whispers, kissing her cheek.

"I know. I'm just not in the mood for Christmas this year. I'm ready for it to be over." She takes a deep breath, running her fingers through her hair.

"Baby, please don't let those trees get to you. It's okay. Don't listen to those negative people. I just walked down that hallway. It's gorgeous, honey. You did a great job." He was so proud of her. He really was.

"I just want it to be over." She muttered.

He got an idea. "Come with me." He said, reaching for her hand.

"Baby, I'm not in the mood for anything dumb." She groans.

"Don't make me carry you!" He winks.

She finally gives in and follows him. "Where we going?"

"To the kitchen." He smiles.

"Baby, we already ate."

"I know." He laughs. He knew she was anxious and moody.

"Donald John! This better not be something stupid." She was completely grouchy and it was cracking him up.

He led her into the White House kitchen where everything was laid out to make sugar cookies.

"I saw your recipe in the White House tour guide book. So I had the chefs lay out the ingredients." He shrugs.

"Baby, I'm in no mood for this. It's sweet of you, but Christmas is overrated." She turns to walk out.

He grabs her arm. "Not so fast. And besides. I haven't seen you all day. Do it for me?"

"I have missed you today." She whispers.

"Come on. It'll be fun." He kisses her neck softly.

So. She helped. And he was right, it was a lot of fun.

As he slid the cookie tray into the oven, she sat at a little round table and watched.

They were both covered in flour, but it was worth it.

"I have another surprise for you, baby." He says, as he comes over and kisses her head.

"What would that be?" She smiles.

"I had them make some gingerbread. So I thought we could make our own gingerbread house." He kisses her cheek.

"You are literally the most thoughtful human being ever, baby." She gushes over him.

"Not by a long shot." He laughs, as he lays out the gingerbread, icing, and candies to decorate their little house.

They got the structure of the house built and she started putting candies on.

He just sat back and watched her. "Baby, you're really beautiful."

Her cheeks instantly blushed. "Oh. Thank you."

"Why are you blushing, baby?" He asks curiously.

"I don't know. I'm weird. Now help me!" She laughs.

So he did. By the time they were finished with that, their cookies were done.

So they decorated the cookies then took them up to Barron.

"You mean you two did this?" The teenager questions as he eats his 5th cookie.

"Yes, we did." He laughs.

"Dad, I've never, ever seen you in a kitchen before." Barron exasperates.

"You're being dramatic. Now help me set this tree up, so you and mom can decorate it."

"But dad! I want more cookies." Barron complains.

"Barron! You've had 5!" Melania calls out from the other side of the living room, causing them all to laugh.

After hours and hours of Christmas bulbs, lights, cookies, hot chocolate, and Christmas music, everyone is tucked into bed.

She cuddles up to him as soon as he lays down. "Thank you for doing all of that for me."

"I just want you to enjoy the holidays." He kisses her head.

"I can't wait for Christmas now, baby."

"Speaking of which. What do you want?" He asks.

"Nothing. Just a quiet, peaceful day with you and our family." She smiles at him.

"You have to want something."

"Just you, baby. You're all I could ever want." She kisses him gently.

"You melt my heart." He wraps his arms around her waist, nuzzling his head into her neck. "I can already see it now. You're going to be a pain in the butt to buy for this year."

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now