Never Forget

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September 11, 2011 was a life changing day for the whole world, but it was especially life changing day for a newly dating couple that lived in New York.

Donald and Melania had been dating since 1998, but they had broke up for a short time. They had recently gotten back together before the September 11th day.

Melania was living in her own apartment at the time, but she would frequently stay with him.

Unfortunately for her, she was at her own apartment on this horrible day.

She woke up and went through her morning routine. Exercising, breakfast, bath, cleaning her apartment, then getting ready for the day.

She wasn't one to watch the news, but she just felt like she needed to that day.

When she turned her tv on, she could not believe what she was seeing and hearing.

How could this be happening?!

Melania hadn't been living in the United States very long when this awful attack happened and it hurt.

She curled up on her couch sobbing. She was so confused.

Was it worth living here? Would her and her baby make it alive through the day? How will the country recover? All of these questions were things going through her mind as she tried to grasp what she was seeing.

Weeping she just laid on her couch in shock.

Donald was not too far away when he became aware.

He could not believe what was happening.

His shock quickly faded when he remembered one thing- Melania!

He knew she would have a terrible time with this. And he wanted to check on her more than anything else. He wanted to know she was okay.

He tried to call her from the phone on his desk, but phone lines were done. He could not get ahold of her and he was becoming very frantic.

He walked out to his secretary almost in panic. "Get ahold of Melania. I don't care what you have to do."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Trump. We can't." The secretary replied.

That answer wasn't good enough for the boyfriend who was worried about his baby. "I DO NOT CARE IF SOMEONE HAS TO WALK THERE! GET A HOLD OF MELANIA!" He was panicked thinking about it. She wouldn't know what to do or how to handle this.

He anxiously waited in his office for something. Anything to know his baby was okay.

Nearly an hour later there was a knock on his door. "Mr. Trump, Ms. Knauss would like to see you."

He quickly got up and opened the door. Utter relief when he saw his girl standing in the door way.

Then he saw her face. Tear stained cheeks. He knew she was upset.

He quickly walked her in his office and shut the door. "It's okay, baby. It's okay." He wrapped his arms around her as they both began to cry.

"How could someone do this?! Innocent people!" She is so upset and he can tell.

"Baby, Just relax." He continues to hold her and rub her back.

"Why did I even come here? This is not worth it. My heart hurts!"

"Hey just take a deep breath. I understand it's overwhelming to you, but it'll be okay. I promise. Let's go upstairs."

He grabs a tissue and wipes her cheeks then leads the way up to his penthouse apartment.

"I hurt so bad, honey." She whispers as she kicks off her shoes.

"I know. Me too."

"What if something happens to us?" She asked as a legitimate concern.

"We will be just fine, baby."

They walk up to his room and he lays across the bed. She doesn't.

She walks over to the big window overlooking New York. All she can see is a huge black cloud of smoke, dust, and debris. Down below her, she sees the chaos of everyone on the streets trying to figure out what just happened.

She was speechless. The only thing she knew to do was pray. And even in the moment that seemed so out there.

Without even knowing it, she put one hand on the glass as if to reach out to them and tears streamed down her cheeks as hit the ground. Uncontrollable tears.

She felt so helpless. So she peacefully muttered a prayer. "God. Help those families who just lost a loved one. Strengthen every fire fighter, police officer, EMT, and volunteer working down there. Jesus, give our President wisdom as he handles this. And God, please give this nation peace."

She just stands in front of the window. Not being able to move. Not being able to speak. Just tears.

He watches and his heart breaks for her. He gives her several moments alone. Then decides to comfort her.

"Baby, it's going to be okay." He wraps his arms around her and holds her.

She doesn't say anything. She just takes a deep breath when she feels his embrace and continues to watch and cry.

Hours upon hours pass and she doesn't move from that window.

He decides he's going to send some guys out to help. He has plenty of people working for him. He wants to help.

He walks up behind her and rubs her back. "Hey, baby. I'm going to go down there. I'm going to take some guys with me. I'll be back in a little bit."

For the first time since they've gotten home she mutters quietly, "Be safe." Her gaze not leaving the window.

"I will." He kisses her cheek and walks out.

He spends several hours out there. Handing out waters, encouraging people, and making sure his men are working.

When he gets back his heart breaks when he sees her standing in the same position she was in when he left.

Wrapping his arms around her, he kisses her cheek. "I know it doesn't mean much right now. But the unity on that ground is amazing. The President is there. He's watching. The mayor is there. So much support and love."

"That's what I prayed for this morning." She mutters relaxing a little in his embrace.

She stands in front of that window until it's dark and hard to see anything.

Crawling into bed so emotional and confused, she stares at the ceiling.

He holds her close to him, "Honey, you need to sleep."

"I can't."

"I can't stay awake much longer but I can tell you. It's going to be okay." He kisses her cheek.

"I hope you're right."

"I love you." He kisses her tenderly and drifts off to sleep.

She stays awake the whole night. Not sleeping for even a second.

When the sun rises, back to the window she stands. Watching in amazement.

"Good morning, baby." He whispers from the bed.

She doesn't move. Just somber in front of the window

He gets up and once again holds her. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Probably not." She admits.

"We will get through this together. When I feel like it's safe, we will go volunteer, baby, but right now, it's not safe for you to be down there."

"I understand."

"I love you." He kisses her.

"I love you too."

And with that, he holds her. This time, they are both standing in front of the window. He isn't leaving her side. They will get through this together.

Just a fanfic. No proof behind this.

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