A White House Baby

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After nine long months of being pregnant and finding out it's a girl, Melania's due date finally rolls around.

A few days go by and nothing happens. She goes to bed with some back pain.

"Baby, my back is hurting." she tells him kinda whiny.

"Let me rub it, honey. Maybe the little princess is going to make her grand entrance soon." He rubs her back from the top to bottom leaving little kisses on her shoulder every now and then.

"That feels so much better. Thanks honey," kissing him gently. "We need to go to sleep. We could have a baby any day now. Good night. I love you, baby daddy." She kisses him good night and cuddles up to him.

"I love you too, baby. Good night." He holds her around the waist as close as he can.

She wakes up at 3 a.m and her back is hurting really bad again. She decides she needs to walk, so she gets up to get a drink of water. As she reaches the kitchen, her water breaks.

She cleans up the mess. Then heads into the master bedroom. Knowing contractions are going to start soon, she nudges him. "Baby, wake up!"

"Melania! It's late! I'm tired." He says as he pulls the blankets over his head to shield his eyes from the light.

"Honey, my water broke. I'm in labor."

He sits up, "Ohhhhhh! Really?! The baby is coming tonight?!"

"Yes, you can go back to sleep. I just wanted to let you know."

They go back to sleep waiting for the strong contractions to kick in.

She wakes up at 5:45 a.m in extremely pain. "Baby! Baby! Oh my God!" She nudges him.

"Are you okay, baby?" He wraps his arm around her.

"No, I'm hurting so bad! This baby is coming!!" She says almost screaming in pain.

"It's okay. Just breathe in and out. Let's get you to the hospital." He helps her get a dress on and get their bags ready to go. He takes her hand as they get in the car knowing she's hurting.

She squeezes his hand. "Baby!!!!!" She screams in agony and pain.

"It's okay, darling. She'll be here soon and all the pain will go away. You are doing great." Gently kissing her cheek and rubbing her hand trying to comfort her.

"I just want this baby here!" She can feel the baby shifting. "She's coming soon!"

They arrive at the hospital in just the right amount of time.

As they pull up she starts breathing heavily, "I need to push! Right now!!"

"Baby, wait just a second. Don't push yet." He runs inside and gets help.

They get her situated in a room and she lays down. "I need to push! Right now!" Now out of breath and screaming.

Takes her hand and kisses her forehead, "Let's have this baby, darling!"

She pushes really hard screaming in pain and his heart breaks seeing her in so much pain.

"You're doing amazing, darling. Take a break for a second. She'll be here soon." He reassures her kissing her gently.

She squeezes his hand as hard as she can as she pushes with everything she has. "I CANT DO THIS! I'M TOO TIRED!" now tired and over it.

"Baby, you're doing so good. I can see her head. Rest for a few minutes then give us two good pushes and you'll have a baby girl." He gently strokes her sweaty forehead.

After resting for a few seconds, she decides to push really hard. She gives it one good push then feels relief.

"Baby! She's here! You did it!" He says as he gets emotional and kisses her gently.

The doctor checks her and cleans her up. Then brings her over to them.

He watches as she holds her first baby girl. "She's beautiful, darling. You did so good." He kisses both of their heads.

"She's perfect. She has your cute nose. How much did she weigh?"

"She's 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 19.5 inches long. A perfect little princess. What do you want to name her?"

"What do you think about Ella Grace?"

"Absolutely perfect," kissing her gently. He looks at his baby girl, "Welcome to the world, Ella. Mommy and Daddy love you so much already, baby girl."

She hands her over to him. "Here, go see Daddy."

"Hey, baby girl " he says as he cuddles her for the first time. "Thank you for making me a daddy again, beautiful!" As he leans over and kisses her for a long time.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now