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It was Melania's first big sit down interview and they were both so excited about it.

Unfortunately, he had a rally pretty far away. So, he was going to be pushing it on making it back to the White house in time to watch it with her. He decided to text her to let her know.

Donald- Baby, I'm on my way home, but I don't know if I'm going to make it home for the start of the interview. I'm sorry.

Melania- It's okay, honey. I'm on our bed waiting for you. It's completely okay. Don't stress.

Donald- What are you wearing?😉

Melania- That's for me to know and you to find out, Donald John.😜

Donald- Ohhhhh, baby girl.

Melania- Stop it and get your butt home!

Donald- Yes, ma'am.

It was over an hour later and he was landing on the South Lawn.

He ran inside as soon as the plane landed.

He jogged down the hall, flings the door open, kicks his shoes off, runs, and darts on the bed beside her. "Hey, baby." He winks at her.

"You're just in time, Mr. President. Hold me." She says as she leans up and kisses him gently.

"Of course, baby." He slides under the blankets and holds her close.

They watch her interview together, cuddled up together.

When the interview is over, he couldn't be anymore proud.

"Good job, Mrs. Trump." He whispers as he kisses her cheek.

"Thank you, baby."

"You sure know how to put them in their place." He laughs.

"I learn from the best." She winks and kisses his neck.

"Can I show you how proud I am?" He asks.

She bites her lip. "Yes, please."

With that, he licks his lips, gets up and locks their bedroom door before hovering over her.

I'm sorry it's so short! I've been extremely busy lately. If you have any suggestions, drop them in the comments!❤️

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