Our Forever

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On the morning of January 22, 2005, Donald wakes up to Melania's alarm going off.

"Do we have to get up?" He asks sleepily and groggily, pulling her closer to him.

"Of course we do! We're getting married today, silly!"

"How am I suppose to go the whole day without seeing you?!" He asks, whining.

"You're not. We're going to spend the afternoon together. Then I'll stay here and get ready and you can go do whatever men do on their wedding day. Oh and you need to pack for our honeymoon." She says matter of factly.

"Why? I'm not taking clothes. We're just going to lay around naked for 2 weeks."

She can't help but to laugh. "I bought some new outfits for you." She wiggles her eyebrows at him and gets up.

"You can't leave me like that! Get over here!"

"No can do. You can't have me again until after we're married. Get up, you sleepy head!" She jerks the blankets off of him laughing.

He sits on the edge of the bed. "You missed something on the schedule this morning."

She starts going over her mental check list. "No, I didn't, baby. We're up on time and I'm starting to pack."

"Yes, yes you did." He gets up and holds her around the waist. "You forgot to kiss me this morning."

"Oh. I'm sorry, honey. I'm just scatter brained. I didn't mean to." She leans up and gives him a kiss that was definitely worth the wait.

"Maybe we should wait every morning. God that was good." He winks.

"You're a flirt. Come on. We have stuff to do today. You need to get a move on!" She laughs as she throws underwear in her suit case for him.

"The most important thing today is that we become man and wife. The rest will fall into place. Don't stress, baby. This is your day. I want you to enjoy it."

Her heart melts at his sweetness. "Awww. I can't wait to marry you." She kisses his cheek.

"What's the next step after we get married?" He asks as he helps her pack.

"I would love to have a baby at some point, but I know you already have 4 kids. So I'm not going to push it. As long as I'm with you, I don't care about the next step."

He stops in his tracks and turns around and looks at her in awe. "I want you to be a mother. I would be more than happy to give you a baby. We'll have a family, now honey. I promise." He leans over and kisses her.

"This is why I love you. You always give me what I want. And I adore that about you."

"Baby, I've wanted you to be a mother since day one. You would be an extraordinary mommy. You tell me when you're ready to start trying and we'll work on it."

"I want to enjoy the honeymoon stage first." She winks and continues packing up his stuff for their honeymoon.

She zips up their suitcase and sits it by the door. "I need to go get my nails done. What are your plans while I'm gone?"

"Wrap things up here so we can fly to Florida in a few hours."

"Sounds amazing. When we get to Maralago, we have a private lunch together then it's time to part ways for a few hours." She pouts and leans over wanting a kiss.

He leans over and kisses her tenderly. "Yeah, but baby, after this, this is the last time we have to part ways for a while." He smiles thinking about married life with her.

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