For Me?!

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Donald was sitting in his office suppose to be preparing for a Cabinet meeting, but he was distracted. He couldn't stop thinking about her for some reason. She was just on his mind a lot. The more he thought about it, he realized it had been this way since he got up that morning.

As he was walking out for his Cabinet meeting and tells his secretary to get a big bouquet of the most beautiful flowers in the florist shop and leave them on his desk with a blank card.

So, she does.

He comes back from his Cabinet meeting and there sets the most gorgeous arrangement of flowers he had ever seen.

He sits down and starts filling out the card. "Baby, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate you. You are an extraordinary mother, a fantastic First Lady, and an amazing wife. You truly are the best wife I could ever hope for or dream of. You've been on my mind all day and I just wanted you to know you mean everything to me. I love you! Yours truly, Donald John"

Melania had been having a terrible day. She had to fire someone. People were sending her all kinds of hate mail. And she was just having a bad day.

She gets a knock on her office door. "Mrs. Trump, I have a delivery for you." Her aid walks in and sets the flowers on the desk then disappears.

She gets emotional just looking at them and then reads her card. Which causes her to cry. She's crying too much so she decides to text him.

Melania- Oh, baby. Thank you for the card and flowers.😘😭

Donald- I'm glad you like them. I'm on my way to pick you up. We're going on a date.

It was about time for them to go home anyways so he decided just to take her to dinner.

He shows up at her office looking all handsome and smiling. "Can I whisk you away for a hot date?"

"Please do, but kiss me first."

He smiles and presses his lips to hers.

He can feel her relax in his embrace. "Let's go, baby. You need a break."

And with that, they're off for a date.

They get to the restaurant and they sit down in a booth away from everyone else. He knows she's stressed and he wants to give her as much privacy as possible.

He sits down beside her and wraps his arm around her.

She cuddles into his side and smiles. "I needed this."

"I know you did, baby. Just relax and enjoy it." He pours her a glass of wine from the open bottle on the table. "Here you do, darling."

She sips at it slowly as she is cuddled into his side. "I love you."

"I love you too." He knows what she wants. So he orders for the both of them. Just wanting her to relax.

Their food comes and they eat, talking and just enjoying being together away from their chaotic life.

On the way back to the White House, he has his arm wrapped around her and rubbing her skin with his thumb. "So I kinda have another surprise for you. Can I blindfold you?"

"Blindfold? Why?"

"Because I want you to be surprised." He starts taking his tie off.

"Yes, you can blindfold me. I trust you."

She sits up and he ties his tie around her eyes. When he's done, he kisses her cheek. "Just relax and trust me on this one."

They arrive at the entrance and he hurries out of the car then helps her out.

She gets out and holds onto his arm tightly. "You better not be setting me up."

"I'm not. I promise, honey."

They start walking up stairs. And she realizes it's way more stairs than just going to the residence. "Where we going?"

"We're almost there. Just a couple more, baby."

Finally they reach the top and she feels the cool, night breeze against her bare arms and she shivers.

He takes his suit jacket off then places it on her shoulders. "There, baby. I'm going to take this blindfold off. Okay?"

He starts untying the knot on his tie.

As it falls to the ground, she sees the most beautiful and romantic scene in her life.

They are standing on the roof top of the White House, overlooking the Washington Monument. There's lights strung up, rose petals laying on the ground, multiple bouquets of her favorite flowers, soft romantic music playing, and two chairs set up.

He helps her sit down in a chair and pours them two glasses of their favorite champagne.

"Why see you being so sweet?"

"Because I love you." He leans over and kisses her cheek.

He takes his hand in his, watching her enjoy the view and the champagne. "You okay, honey?"

"Yeah, just overwhelmed by your sweetness and your kindness to me. And this view is beautiful."

"You're more beautiful than any view in the world." He leans over and kisses the side of her head.

"You're biased, Mr. President. I think the First Lady needs a kiss." She leans over wanting a kiss.

He takes her lips in his, enjoying their chemistry.

He slowly pulls away. "Come over here and let's look at this." He pulls her up and walks her over to the edge looking over.

He puts his arm around her side and she cuddles into his side.

"I brought you up here for a reason."

"Oh God. What did I do?"

"Absolutely nothing. You've been amazing. And I want you to know it. Look at me, baby."

She looks up at him with pure love in her eyes for her guy. "What is wrong, Mr. Romantic?"

"I just wanted to tell you that you're the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you with my whole heart, Melania Knauss-Trump. I want to spend forever with you, baby. You're an amazing mother to our son. You're the best wife I could ever as for. You mean so much to me. I've watched for the past 3 years as you've sacrificed your luxurious and private life to let me pursue my dreams. And I couldn't thank you enough for it, babe. My life is incomplete without you. I haven't bought you anything for a while. So I wanted to give you something has a token of my life for you." He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a necklace box. "It's your favorite color- rose gold. It has our initials and wedding date on the back. I love you, baby."

She pulls it out the heart shaped necklace as tears run down her cheeks. "Baby, I love it so much. But not as much as I love you." She leans over and kisses him very so slowly.

He slides hands down her back and holds her close enjoying her kiss.

She slowly pulls away. "Put it on me, baby."

He gently moves the hair away from the back of her neck and puts it on her. "It's perfect."

"I love you more than life itself, Donald John." She leans in and takes his lips in hers enjoying the moment with the love of her life.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now