Two Year Old Attitude

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Barron had just turned two and Donald and Melania had noticed Barron's behavior was starting to change. He had always been a good little boy, but he was starting to become more mischievous and whiny.

Melania was the stay at home mom, so she dealt with almost all of Barron's well being. Usually by the end of the day, when Donald got home, she was ready to have a break. She loved her boy, but somedays, being a mommy was exhausting.

This day was no exception. Donald walked in the door looking for his babies. "Melania....Barron.... daddy's home." He called, as he walked through the living room.

Melania was standing in the kitchen, making dinner, almost in tears. "I'm in the kitchen, babe." She called.

He walked in and he could immediately tell she had had a horrific day. "What is wrong, beautiful?" He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her cheek with his thumb as he cupped her face.

"Barron has been horrible today and.... my cycle started today." She admitted honestly.

"So, you mean I can't even carry you up to bed and make your day better?" He smiles, kissing her lips.

"Not this week.. I'm sorry, baby." She always hated that time of the month because she felt like a horrible wife.

"And Barron being bad?!? Not my boy!!!" He teased as the boy sat in his high chair, grinning his toothy smile, making his dad laugh.

"Don't let that sweet, innocent smile fool you." She laughed and rolled her eyes.

He grabbed a knife and started helping her cut vegetables for a salad. Barron was still in his high chair and dropped his sippy cup over the side. "Uh-oh!" Called the boy.

Donald walked over and picked it up. "Here, baby boy."

It wasn't but a few seconds later and he threw it down again and Donald once again picked it up for him. This went on and on over the course of 30 minutes and finally Melania had enough. "Don't pick it up anymore. He is just being a brat. He has done this to me all day and I don't have time to do this all day."

"I understand. Barron, you shouldn't have dropped it. We'll have to get it when its time to eat." The toddler's dad informed him.

He immediately started throwing a fit, kicking his feet and screaming, and throwing his toys off the side of the tray.

"Barron! Cut it out!!" His mom said sternly.

"NO!!" Barron yelled.

Melania turns around getting angry.

Donald put his hand on her back. "I got this. Breathe."

Donald walked over to the high chair. "You aren't going to be mean to Mommy. Tell her sorry." Donald said, as he squatted by the high chair.

"NO!!!" The 2 year old smacked his daddy's face.

Donald's jaw about hit the floor. He quickly picked him up and swatted his butt. Not hard enough to hurt him, but to just get his attention.

Barron's little lip quivered and he finally told his mommy and daddy sorry the best way he could as a two year old.

It was finally time to eat. Melania sat down in her seat and Donald drug the high chair to the table, putting it between them. Donald took his seat at the head of the table.

Melania cut up some green beans and chicken into bite size pieces and put them on a plate on his tray. "If you eat, Mommy will give you a treat later." She ran her fingers through his curls.

He just glared at her.

Donald watched them. "Barron.. you better be nice to Mommy."

"No!" He started to shove his food off the edge of the tray.

Melania sat in tears. "I don't know what to do with him. I have tried everything and he is just being a brat all the time."

"I'll take care of him.. just sit back and eat." Donald leaned over and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. "You are too beautiful to cry." She smiled at his sweetness.

Donald started spoon feeding the boy, hoping to prevent any future messes.

It wasn't but a few minutes later and Barron started spitting his food out.

"Okay... enough is enough." She got up and warmed a bottle of milk and his favorite bear and she held him in her arms as she ate.

He laid in her arms, fighting sleep and rubbing his eyes.

"Did he nap today, baby?" Donald asked, watching him.

"He refused. I gave him milk, cartoons, and his bear. I even kept him in our bed." She said as she rubbed his little cheek.

"I'll clean up the mess, you go get him to bed and take a bath." He kisses her lips softly.

As Melania carried him up the stairs, Donald heard a bloodcurdling scream. He immediately ran around the corner. "What is wrong?!"

She was clinching the handrail and there was blood running down her back. She was wearing a tank top and there was a huge bite mark on her shoulder. "He bit me!!!"

Donald had had enough. He took her from his mother's arms and gave him his first real spanking. "She maybe your mommy, but she was mine before she was yours and you aren't going to be mean to her!!"

The boy instantly started crying and Donald carried him into his room, changing his diaper and putting his pajamas on him, and laying him in his bed. "Goodnight, Barron!" He turned the baby monitor on and shut the door.

He went to find Melania who was standing in the bathroom, feeling extremely light headed as she can not handle the sight of blood and wounds.

"Hey.. let me take care of this, baby. You are bleeding an awful lot for just a bit." He got her cut all cleaned up and she finally got to sink into her huge tub.

He was already in bed when she came out. "Come here, honey. Let me cuddle you and kiss you. I know its been a bad day."

She curled up beside him.. "I feel like I am failing as a mother..."

"Why?! You are the best mommy I have ever met. It is just the terrible twos. We will get through it. I promise you that. I'm gonna cut my hours shorter in the office to come home and take care of him with you. You shouldn't have to do it all alone, especially during this stage." He kissed her forehead several times.

As they talked, they could hear him baby talking over the baby monitor.

She got up and walked across the hall into the boy's room and she came back carrying him.

"Who do you have?" He asked.

She laid on the bed, rubbing the little boy's back and he just cuddled his mommy, smiling at his daddy.

"He maybe a brat during the day, but he still needs to cuddle his mommy." She kissed his little head.

"Maybe he needs a little sister." He winks.

"We'll get right on that... next week." She smiled as the three of them as a perfect little family of three.

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