Please Baby!

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Donald had been working all day and hadn't seen or talked to Melania all day and he was desperate missing his baby.

He got off as soon as he could, but unfortunately it was really late. He knew she would already be in bed.

So he walked upstairs expecting a quit Residence. He was shocked to see the kitchen light still on.

Thinking she just left it on for him, he was pleasantly surprised to see her in their standing beside the counter.

He walked over and wraps his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind. "What are you doing up?" He asks as he kisses the side of her neck slowly and gently.

"Barron asked me to sign some papers for school and I forgot. So I came to do this after I finished my bath." She leans back against him and relaxes.

"You smell delicious, baby." He whispers in her ear and gently nibbles at her earlobe.

"Some one is in a naughty mood tonight." She says after moaning at the feeling of his lips on her skin.

"I know. I'll back off. I promise. I've just missed you so much."

"You better not back off, Mr President!" She turns around and quickly takes her mouth in his, causing a moan to escape his throat.

"You're going to start something that I can't stop." He runs his hands down her back and squeezes her bottom.

She whispers needfully, "I need you. In the most intimate kinda way."

"Oh really?" He wastes no time picking her up and carrying her over his shoulder to their room.

Finally at their room, he throws her down on the bed then locks the door.

"Get your hot self over here, Mr President!"

He goes over and kisses all over her neck and face, biting and nibbling. Then he stops and lays on his side of the bed. "Good night, baby!"

"What do you think you're doing?! Get over here." She demands, pinching at his shirt with her toes.

Knowing he's teasing her, he smiles. "Good night, darling."

At this point she's now desperate and begging. "Baby! Please! I want you so bad! It's been a week! Please!"

"God! How can I resist that?" He quickly rolls over and kisses her deeply and passionately, exploring her mouth to the fullest.

"I want you so bad." She whispers as she gently bites the sensitive part of his neck.

No longer playing around, he quickly undresses her and fulfills all her needs and desires.

She moans as he collapses on the bed beside her, still feeling the after effect of their love making.

"God baby. You sure know how to make a woman happy." She says kissing his arm.

"I love you so much." He lays next to her, cuddling her close.

"Cuddles with the President. Now that's a turn on." She smiles and kisses his lips.

"I'll get dressed if you want me to, baby."

"You best not! If you know what's good for you, you'll lay here and let me have some skin-to-skin with my baby." She relaxes against him.

"I'm not going to turn you down. Ever."

"I love you so much." She kisses him.

They fall asleep, wrapped up in each other's embrace still lacking clothes.

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