A Bump in the Road

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Melania has been feeling really weird. She notices her back has been hurting really bad, it hurts really bad when she pees, and she just feels trashy.

After much talking with Donald, she decides to go to the doctor.

The morning of her appointment comes and she stands in front of the mirror in the bathroom nervous as she brushes her teeth.

He is standing in the bedroom and can tell by her body language in the bathroom that she is extremely nervous.

He walks in and wraps his hands around her waist and hugs her from behind. "Baby, I know you are really nervous, but it'll be okay. I promise. Whatever happens, we'll make it through it together." He kisses her shoulder, trying to calm her nerves.

She relaxes against him and soft, gently tears escape her eyes. "Baby, I'm so nervous. What if there's something seriously wrong with me?"

He turns her around so heartbroken that she is so nervous. "Darling, it'll be okay. I promise. And if something is wrong, I promise we'll make it through it together."

She kisses his cheek and thanks him for his support then grabs her phone and leaves.

At her doctor's appointment, she finds out she has a tumor like bump on her kidney. Her doctor gives her some options and she decides she needs to talk it over with him.

She gets back to the White House and texts him.

Melania- Baby, we need to talk.

He is sitting in a cabinet meeting and sees her text. "I'm so sorry, everyone, but I've had an emergency and I need to go now."

He being so worried about his baby, races upstairs and busts into the Residence. "Melania, I'm home. Where are you, darling?"

She lays across their bed hugging his pillow and crying. "Honey, I'm in our room."

He walks in and sees her. Knowing something is wrong, he rushes over to her and holds her. "Honey, it's okay!" He kisses her head, so worried about her.

"Honey, I have a spot on my kidney." She sobs on his chest.

He is shocked, but tries to hide it. "Let's not talk about it right now." He rubs her cheek, trying to calm her down.

After a long 45 minutes of cuddling and him kissing her, she calms down.

"Okay, baby. I'm ready to talk." She holds his hand.

He rubs her hand with his thumb, "Just take your time."

"So, they found a spot on my kidney, which is causing all the pain and discomfort. They said as of right now, its benign. Meaning as of right now, its not cancerous. We can either wait and see if it turns into cancer. Then treat it with chemotherapy. Or I can have a procedure."

He lays so shocked and scared. "Oh baby. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. What did you decide to do?" He rubs her back, hoping she doesn't say wait for cancer.

"Well, I didn't make a decision. I thought something so serious needed a decision as a couple. I want your input. Waiting is dangerous. Really dangerous. The surgery would be risky, recovery wouldn't be so bad. I would be out of commission for a few weeks."

He lays pondering their options. "What are you thinking, honey?" He asks as he plays with her hair and kisses her head.

"I was leaning more towards the surgery, but I want your input."

"I think the surgery sounds like the better option."

They decide to follow through with the surgery. They spend the next few weeks nervous and anxious for her surgery.

The morning of her surgery rolls around and she wakes up so nervous. He feels her getting fidgety and holds her around the waist. "Just try to relax, baby. It'll be okay. I promise." He kisses her countless times as they cuddle.

A few hours pass by and its time for her to get up and get going.

He sits on the bed anxiously watching her pack a bag for the hospital. "Darling?"

She looks at him in the eyes and sees his nerves. "Yes, honey?"

"I love you so much."

Her heart melts and walks over and sits on his lap, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. "I love you too. I'm dreading being away from you for so long." She says, kissing him passionately.

"I'll come see you I promise."

She gets off his lap and finishes getting ready to leave. "Baby, I'm getting ready to go."

He comes in and holds her tightly as she shakes from nerves. Kissing her head and cheek randomly. "I'll be there to see you as soon as they say I can."

Knowing she needs to go, but not wanting to let go, she holds onto him tightly as tears run down her cheeks.

She finally leaves and he goes to the office totally stressed out and worried about her.

4 long, miserable hours later, he gets a text from Stephanie saying she's out of surgery, resting peacefully and everything went well.

He decides to wait to go see her.

When he gets there, he walks into her room to find her peacefully sleeping. Not wanting to disturb her, he pulls a chair to her bedside and holds her hand, watching her sleep.

Her in her groggy phase, doesn't wake up, but she relaxes feeling relief that he's there.

He sits with her for almost 2 hours then decides it's time to go back home to Barron. He gently kisses her head and quietly leaves.

On Marine One, he can't stop thinking about her. So, he decides to text her so she wakes up to a text from him.

They decide to keep her longer than expected. She longs to be home with her babies, but knows its for the best that she recover in the hospital.

He misses her terribly and worries about her every day.

After 6 days of a few visits, calling, Facetiming, and endless texting, he gets a call that she's coming home.

He gets her flowers and waits for her to come home.

She arrives home and Stephanie helps get her settled in bed then leaves them.

He notices she's kinda pale. "Baby, do you need anything?"

"Yeah, honey. I need you to come cuddle me and kiss me all day." She smiles and motions for him to lay beside her.

He gladly lays beside her and cuddles her and kisses her. "I've missed this and you so much."

She relaxes against him and kisses him whenever she gets the urge. "This is just what the doctor ordered." She smiles and looks at him in awe.

He strokes her head and kisses it. "I'm so glad you're home, baby."

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