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The Presidential life was amazing. Donald, Melania, and Barron loved their new life, but they did miss their Trump Tower penthouse and the privacy it held for them.

They couldn't go back very often because it was dangerous for their safety, but when they had an opportunity to go, they took it.

Once a year, the United Nations held a gathering in New York. Which meant Donald would be in New York. And they were extremely happy about it.

Barron unfortunately wasn't able to go this time because he had some major test that week. So Donald and Melania went.

As their plane started to land, she looked out the window and sighed really loud.

"Are you okay, babe?" He asks as he gets up and rubs her back.

"Just taking in the skyline. I love New York." She whispers as she watches in awe.

"Me too. Because that's where I met the love of my life. And the rest is history." He smiles as he kisses her cheek.

He knew she had missed New York. Even more so than he did, and he intended for her to enjoy every second of this week.

They land and walk off the plane, then into their Presidential limo.

She held his hand as they drove down the busy New York streets. She just looked out the window in utter awe.

He was so happy to see her so happy. He held her hand and just watched her as she watched the buildings pass by. She had seen this thousands of times, but it was almost new to her.

They finally arrived at Trump Tower where Donald was excited to be. That's where he wanted to be.

They get upstairs and Stephanie brings in all their belongs. Then it's just them. In the peace of quiet or their home. Not the People's House, but their house.

He wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead. "It's good to be home, baby."

She wraps her arms around his waist and lays her head on his chest. "I've missed this place."

"Me too, darling. I want you to enjoy your week here. Please don't leave unless you have to. I'm not planning on having a bunch of people here. I just want you to enjoy your privacy." He kisses the side of her head and held her.

After their long embrace in the living room, they held hands and walked from room to room. Almost as if they had never seen the place before, but they had missed it so much. They reminisced as they walked through.

They finally got to their room. "This is the room I've been waiting for." He laughed as he opened the door.

"Yessssssssss!" He ran into the room and dove on the bed. "Come here, baby." He said as he motioned for her to come to him.

"You like the bed. I like the view." She laughed as she opened the curtains and took in the breath taking view.

He kicked his shoes off and chucked his suit jacket and tie. While he did that, she didn't move at all.

He walked behind her and wraps his arms around her stomach from behind. "It's beautiful, baby, but that skyline will never be as beautiful as you." He kisses her cheek.

Her heart instantly melted. She turned around in his arms and kissed him gently then laid her head on his chest as they both admired the view.

"Baby, I have a request." She whispers, breaking the silence.

"Hit me with your best shot, baby girl." He replies kissing her head.

"I know it's been a long time since we've had a night alone, but since we have all week alone, can we not do anything intimate tonight and sleep with the curtains open?" She asks still whispering.

He knows how much she's missed this and in his mind, it's the least he could do. "Baby, if you want to sleep with the curtains open all week, we can." He kisses her head again and rubs her lower back.

She knows he means what he's saying and she's grateful. "Thank you, baby." She whispers again as a tear escapes her eye.

"You really missed this didn't you?" He asks.

"More than you know. Don't get me wrong. I love living in DC with my boys, but New York is home."

"I know. I understand." He says honestly. "Let's go to bed, honey."

She leans up and kisses him softly. "Thanks for letting me come with you."'

"I wasn't coming without you, baby girl."

She stands in the bathroom wiping her makeup off, watching him brush his teeth. "Handsome man!" She smiles in the mirror at his reflection.

"Beautiful baby!" He mutters over his tooth brush in his mouth.

She puts on one of his T-shirt's and a pair of leggings, while he strips down to his boxers.

They pull the covers down, toss the throw pillows in the floor, and curl up in their bed.

"God! This bed makes our bed in DC feel like a rock!" He says rather dramatically, causing her to laugh.

"I've missed this bed. I've missed this room. I've missed this house. I've missed making memories here. I've missed it's privacy." She says as she cuddles into his side.

He genuinely feels so bad for her. Not just today, but everyday. "I should've never ran."

"What are you talking about?!" She asks before shutting the lights off.

"I was being selfish." He knows it's true.

"How were you being selfish? That's the most selfless thing in the world to do. Sacrifice your luxury life to help the American people." She's so confused. He's never acted like this and honestly it kinda worries her.

"The country maybe doing great, but my family is suffering and I hate it. I didn't realize everything I took from you guys. I'm so sorry, baby."

"Hey, baby. We aren't miserable. Just because I miss this, doesn't mean I'm miserable. I'm so proud of you for running and not only running, but winning. I just miss this. This is home. This is where we lived when we first moved in together. This is where we came after our honeymoon. This is where we brought our baby home from the hospital. This is where we raised our son. I'm just sentimental. I love DC with you, baby." She kisses him gently and cuddles up in his side.

"Do you mean it?"

"Of course I do, silly!" She giggles and kisses him again.

"I love you." He kisses her head and wraps his arms around her.

"I love you too."

And with that, they spend the rest of the night asleep with the view of the city.

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