It's Going to be Okay

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Melania loves her role as First Lady. It's one of the highest honors she's ever had. What she doesn't like so much is the scrutiny, but she doesn't say much. Because she doesn't want to dress her husband.

Everything had been going just fine. Scandals had died down and she couldn't be happier. Until one day, everything piled in on her.

She was sitting in her office, she had paper work piled extremely high. That's when her aid came in.

"Mrs. Trump, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's some things I think you should know." With that, she leaves the papers on her desk and leaves.

Nothing but hit pieces. Talking all about how she's going to leave him after his term, the New York Times op-ed, saying she's afraid the President is going to crumble, attacking her son.

The stress gets to her and she just starts sobbing. Uncontrollable tears. Running down her cheeks and she just doesn't care.

She would rather get it out in private than crumble in front of Donald. She has to stay strong for him.

He looked at his calendar and realized that day was the 20th anniversary of their first date. So he was going to take her some flowers and surprise her.

He walks in her office with flowers. "Baby, I brought you......" He sees her with her head laid on her desk just sobbing. "BABE! What is wrong?!"

He puts the vase down on her desk and rushes over to her and gently lifts up her head. "Baby, talk to me."

She just wraps her arms around him and nuzzles into his neck sobbing.

"It's going to be okay. Just breathe." He rubs her back trying to comfort her.

She takes a deep breath and leans back out of his embrace.

He hands her a box of tissues and then squats down in front of her. "Baby, what happened?"

"I'm tired of being strong for everyone. I'm not strong. I'm tired of everyone attacking my husband and son. I'm tired of people acting like they know me." She starts crying again.

"Baby, it's okay. You don't have to be strong for anyone. Not me. Not Barron. It's okay to be vulnerable." He says trying to reassure her.

"I was doing so much better. Then this." She hands him the stack of hit pieces.

"What do you mean doing better? What has been going on?"

"Well. There's something I haven't told you."

"Melania, baby, what?!" He asks concerned.

"I had been really depressed. And," she reaches in her drawer and pulls out a bottle of antidepressant pills. "The doctor put me on these."

His heart breaks instantly. "Baby, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to stress you. I don't want you to worry about me. I'm okay."

"You are not okay. Baby, listen to me." He brushes the hair out of her face. "It's okay. If you're struggling, just tell me. We will make it together."

"I know, but I just don't want to burden you. This is my job. I shouldn't complain or nag about it."

"No, baby, if you're getting to the point where you are depressed, you need to walk to me about it." He's genuinely concerned about her.

"I was doing so much better, but I feel it all coming back."

"Absolutely not. We'll get you feeling better. I promise." He kisses her gently. "It's going to be okay, baby. We are going to make it through this together."

"I don't deserve you." She knows she's right. She doesn't deserve someone so loving and kind.

"Let's go upstairs. I want to cuddle."

"You read my mind." He helps her up and holds her hand as they walk out of her office.

"I love you." She looks up at him in awe of his generosity and sweetness.

"I love you too."

They get up to the Residence and go to their room. Leaving the door open, they kick their shoes off and climb up onto their bed.

She immediately cuddles up into his side. "Do you really love me? Even though I've been struggling and not telling you."

"Of course I love you. I'll always love you." He wraps his arms around her and kisses her lips softly.

"You are literally the sweetest man alive." She smiles and rubs her finger across his cheek.

"I just want you to be okay, baby."

"I'm going to be fine because I have your unwavering support. I was so scared to tell you I was struggling."

"Why, baby?"

"Because I thought you would leave me. No one wants to be with a depressed woman. So I faked like everything was okay."

"Listen tp me. I will never leave you, baby. It doesn't matter what happens. We're together for the long haul. Secondly, I would much rather you be honest and open with me than faking happiness when deep down you are dying."

"Really?" She asks, amazed by his love and support.

"Of course, honey. We are a team. We are doing this together. I support you. You support me. That's how it works."

She leans over and kisses his lips slowly. "Thank you." She whispers against his lips.

"Its my job to be supportive." He kisses her softly. "No more secrets, okay?"

"Okay, baby."

"Promise?" He winks and kisses her cheek.

"I swear, baby."

"I love you so much, Melania."

"I love you more, Donald John." She kisses his cheek and cuddles into his side as close as she can.

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