Paris Baby!

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Donald got a call one day and he was invited to Paris, France to join an event. He immediately accepted the offer.

He could not wait to tell Melania. Paris was one of the places she lived, and she loved Paris. It was her favorite city.

He walked into the Residence and found her standing in the kitchen.

He quietly walked up behind her, wraps his arms around her, and gently kisses her neck. "I have a surprise for you, baby."

"Well, if it has to do with neck kisses, I'm all ears." She whispered sweetly.

"I'll kiss your neck if you want me to, but their not it. I was invited to Paris for a few days for an event. I want you to go with me, baby." She says softly as he places another kiss on her neck.

"Paris?! Yes, I want to go! When are we leaving?!" She asks excitedly.

"Friday afternoon." He kisses her neck again.

"I can't wait! And you keep kissing my neck you're going to find yourself locked in the bedroom." She mumbles.

"With you?" He asks as he does it again.

"Of course with me!" She leans her neck back giving him more access.

"Mmmmmm. Don't tempt me." He whispers against the soft skin of her neck.

The week drug by for Melania. She was so excited to finally get away with her man for a few days. Even if it was considered an "official visit" and they would be busy. He had been campaigning hardcore for the election. So they were in desperate need of some alone time.

Thursday evening finally came.

She started packing for both of them. Smiling the whole time.

He came home and walked into the bedroom. "Oh my God, baby. It looks like our closet exploded in here!" He laughed and kisses her cheek.

"I don't see you helping, Mr. President." She pokes him and giggles.

"Yeah, yeah. What needs done, beautiful?" He asks.

"Our toiletries need packed. They are all set out on the counter top in the bathroom. Here's the bag they belong in." She hands him the bag.

"Yes, ma'am." He kisses her gently then walks into the bathroom to start packing up.

He was packing, then he had a question and looked out into the room. Just in time to see her pick up a lacy nighty and start folding it.

"That better be going into the suitcase, Melania Trump!" He whistled from the bathroom.

Her cheeks instantly flushed red. "Mind your own business, Donald John!"

"Watch it, sexy butt. Or I won't pack you any soap." He threatened.

"Go ahead. And you won't get any.......I'll just let your mind fill in the rest." She winks and turns her back to him.

"Melania Knauss Trump! I can't believe you! Naughty girl!"

"You know you like it, Mr President." She purred.

He could not handle when she called him Mr. President. Something that was suppose to be respectful somehow turned so sexy when it came from her lips.

"You're in for it." He laughs.

"I can't wait." She looks over her shoulder and winks.

They were up late into the night packing for their trip and making sure everything was lined out for Barron.

The next morning rolled around and her alarm started going off before the sun was even up.

"Ugh! I don't want to get up!" She complained as she turned her alarm off.

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