Party Days

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NOTE: this is just a fanfic!!!! None of this ever happened!!!!!

Dating days were a blast for Donald and Melania. Lots of parties, red carpet events, and traveling. The very in love couple thrived in their lifestyle.

Donald never drank, but Melania was known to drink a little bit.

She had had a bad day. So he took her to an event with her. Little did he know she was drinking. And one drink led to two, then she was drunk.

When he found her, she was an absolute mess. "Oh baby." He mutters was he picked her up, carrying her out.

She felt so sick. It wasn't 5 minutes later and she had vomited down his back.

"Melania, baby, you're the only person I would not kill for doing that." He lays her in the back seat of his car and sheds his suit jacket, covered in puke.

She was extremely giggly, but not really talking and he knew that was for the better.

Once they got home, he carries her back in the house. "No more drinks for you, darling."

"Babe, I want you!" She winks as she runs her hand down to his pants.

"Absolutely not." He pulls her hand away and holds it.

"Why not?!" She whines.

"Because you're drunk as a skunk and I'm not having sex with you." He kisses her head.

"You're no fun!" She nags.

"I don't want to hear it." He lays her on their bed and goes over to her dresser to retrieves some pajamas.

"Okay, babe, I'm going to change you. I promise I'm not doing anything else."

"I wish you would." She purrs.

He just rolls his eyes as he changes her shirt and bra into one of his T-shirt's. Then her pants into a baggy pair of sweat pants. "Here, baby." He slips some socks on her.

He gets a wet cloth and wipes the make up off her face as she dozes off.

"Go to sleep, baby." He kisses her gently then covers up.

When he comes back from his shower, she's sound asleep.

So he cuddles up to her, holding her close.

He refuses to sleep, wanting to make sure she's okay.

"I'll take care of you now. Tomorrow when you have a hang over, and forever." He kisses her gently, holding her close. "I love you, baby."

He did as he told himself, he held her all night as her moaned and groaned in her sleep. He did feel sorry for her because he knew the next day she was going to feel so sick.

The next morning rolled around and she slept through it.

Finally around noon she started waking up and he was so happy. First of all, he was missing talking to her. Secondly, he was starving.

She stretched. "My head hurts so bad!" She rubbed her forehead.

"Good afternoon, darling. And, yes, I am sure your head hurts. No more alcohol for you." He laughs and kisses her gently.

"What are you talking about? I didn't get drunk last night. Its not a hangover." She informed him.

"Ummmm, yes, you did. I had to carry you to the car and you vomited all down my back. Want proof? My suit jacket is hanging on the shower." He smiles and kisses her again.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I am sorry about throwing up on you. I promise not to let it happen again. I know it's no excuse, but I was just stressed."

"I know. You do not have to explain yourself. Are you hungry?" He strokes her head.

"No, I'm not. I just want to sleep." She cuddles back up on him and falls asleep right away.

He smiles and whispers to himself. "It's okay, baby. Fall asleep on me. I'm not hungry." He was happy to hold her. There was nothing like her being all cuddled up on him. So he decided to turn on a movie and get comfortable.

As she sleeps and he watches his movie, he slowly just strokes her head. Enjoying their time together. Even if he was pretty sure she would never remember it.

It was almost night time before she woke up. And he was so happy, his stomach now sounded like there was a train crash going on in his gut.

She stretches. "I'm so hungry!" She says as she rubs her eyes.

"I am so freakin glad. I am about to starve to death." He kisses her nose.

"You should have gotten up and eaten, silly." She pokes him then kisses him.

"You were sleeping and I was not going to bother you. What do you want to eat?"

She stands up to go to the bathroom. "I do not care."

He leaves and goes to the kitchen, trying to think of a good hangover food. "Forget it. Breakfast for dinner."

He made scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles, and hashbrowns.

He took it up to her with some coffee made just the way she likes it and apple juice.

She smelt him walking up the stairs with the food. "Babe, that smells delicious!"

He set up a tv tray on the bed and puts her plate and drinks on it. "Nonalcoholic beverages tonight, my love." He smiles and kisses her.

He sits down beside her, turns on her favorite movie, The Notebook, and they eat their dinner together.

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