Never Happening Again!

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Donald and Melania had been dating for several months and they were having the time of their loves. They both knew they were meant to be.

But, unfortunately, life happens. Donald had shown quite a bit of interest in becoming President of the United States, but that's not what Melania had in mind.

After long, grueling discussions, she packed up her stuff from his apartment, then broke up with him.

It was the hardest thing she had ever done. It tore her to pieces. He was her better half. They were meant to be and she knew it, but she couldn't wrap her mind around being the First Lady of the United States at such a young age, but she didn't want to hold him back anymore.

He on the other hand, hated himself for pushing her to make that decision. He longed to have her back in his arms. His life was in complete and utter shambles.

After a long, torturous month of being separated, she had enough. She couldn't live her life without him anymore.

She got dressed, for the first time in days, put on makeup, and left her apartment.

She arrived at Trump Tower and headed straight for his office.

She knocked on his door, but he didn't answer.

She knocked again, and she heard him huff, "I'm not taking visitors today!"

She wasn't going to give up. She wanted her man back. She slowly opened the door a little bit. "Not even from me?"

He couldn't believe he was seeing her. They hadn't seen each other in over a month. "Oh, come in!" He got up and opened the door for her.

He shut the door behind her and she sat in a seat across from his desk.

"What do I owe this pleasure?" He asks, sitting down, still surprised she's there.

"Donald... I miss you..." She couldn't look up at him, she was the one that broke his heart.

"Melania, I miss you more than anything else. It's been the longest month of my life."

"I want you back... I know it's a lot to ask. I know I broke your heart and I was selfish... I'll be willing to support you in whatever endeavors you want to pursue." She admits, honestly.

"I don't care about the White House. I've given up on that. I'm nothing without you. So I would rather you be happy, then me do that."

She looks at her shoes, getting emotional. "I'm so sorry for not supporting you like I should have. I should have never broke up with you. It's been the worst decision of my life."

"Babe.. don't cry. I hate when you cry." He got up and wrapped his arms around her.

She sighed in his arms, content to be back in her safe place. "You don't have to take me back. I don't deserve it."

"You deserve the world, Melania. I need you in my life." He kisses her cheek.

"Your secretary said you have meetings this evening.. I'll let you go.. I hope to see you soon." She kisses his cheek.

"I do have meetings. I'm sorry... I will pick you up this evening for dinner." He hugs her tight.

She headed back to her apartment, anxiously awaiting him to come get her.

When the time rolled around, he knocked on the door and she wasn't quite ready yet.

She opened the door for him. "Hey handsome.. I'm not quite ready yet. Make yourself comfortable. Do you want a Diet Coke?"

"No, I'm fine. Take your time." He smiles widely at her. "You are beautiful."

"You're sweet. I'll be right back." She disappears down the hall. Within minutes, she came back with her heels on, carrying her purse, rubbing perfume into her wrists.

He inhales her scent from across the room. "I missed that smell."

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"More than ready." He grins and walks out the door.

She follows him, sliding her hand into his. "How long until there's cameras taking pictures of us?" She teases.

"Hopefully never." He chuckles.

The couple ate their dinner in privacy, reconnecting, picking right up from where they left off.

He drove her back to her apartment. He got out and opened the door for her, helping her out. "My beautiful girl." He grins.

"Thank you for this evening. I needed this. So freaking bad." She held his hand as they walked up to her apartment.

"Have a good night." He kisses her cheek.

She bit her lip seductively, whispering. "Oh.... I am going to...." She slowly runs her finger down his chest, looping her finger into his front belt loop, walking him into the privacy of her apartment.

"I like where this is going." He bit his lip.

She shut the door behind them, dropping her purse on the floor.

He whispered, so eager and desperate. "Can I kiss you?"

"I want you to do more than kiss me." She leans into her lips.

He happily accepts those lips that he love, kissing her with so much love and passion.

She moans softly, running her fingers into his hair on the the back of his head, as he pushes her against the door.

He pulls away from her lips, panting from such an intense kiss.  

"I want you." She starts tugging on his tie, as she leaves a hickey along the collar of his shirt.

"Your room?" He asks, picking her up, holding her under her butt.

"You know where you're going." She grins, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh.. I do.. and I know how to fulfill all your naughty desires."

She giggled as he tossed her back onto her bed.  "Come here, sexy man!"

He hovered over her. "We are never separating again. Ever!"

"Over my dead body!" She starts unbuttoning his shirt.

"Melania." He stops her.

"Yes!" She looks up at him.

"I love you more than anything else in this world." He kisses her long and slow.

"I love you more.... Now.... Make love to me!" She winks.

"Your wish is my command!"

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